[quote=@Captain Jenno] Cooouple things, here. The Boomtown Rats are a new group, they've only formed in the last month or so, so [i]every[/i] member is technically one of the "original members." Secondly, vigilantism doesn't pay, they're high schoolers - which also means they're not criminals. Criminal antagonists, maybe. Also, can't help but notice a pretty glaring lack in... well, character flaws in general. [/quote] Ooooh im so sorry sir, you never stated the boomtown rats were new, so its not m fault you forgot that information! Also, im so sorry about the vigilantism thing, i was just going off your biography! Since thats the only lore we have on these "boomtown rats" sine your bio states the boomtown rats are about vigilantism! Also im sorry for not including weaknesses or character flaws! But your application dosnt state weaknesses/flaws just stand ability and personality! Id happily change these, but its not my falt really, you forgot to add them in! ^^ a bit silly on your part, so it aint my fault! Il make sure to change them say.... In a day or so? Im not in a rush to edit ^^