[quote=@The_written_John] Ooooh im so sorry sir, you never stated the boomtown rats were new, [b]so its not m fault you forgot that information![/b] Also, im so sorry about the vigilantism thing, i was just going off your biography! Since thats the only lore we have on these "boomtown rats" sine your bio states the boomtown rats are about vigilantism! [/quote] [quote=@Captain Jenno] [b]You are [i]The Boomtown Rats[/i], a group of students from the [u]graduating class of Pleasant Valley High.[/u][/b] [/quote] [quote=@The_written_John]Also, im so sorry about the vigilantism thing, i was just going off your biography! Since thats the only lore we have on these "boomtown rats" sine your bio states the boomtown rats are about vigilantism![/quote] That part's not wrong - they [i]are[/i] vigilantes, but vigilantes don't get paid, and they're the ones who hunt the criminals (in this case, one [i]specific[/i] criminal), they aren't themselves crooks, at least not in the conventional sense.