[b]“Uwah, looks like the mobs beat us to it.”[/b] Perched up on an old sycamore tree, Reissten used his right hand as a visor, shielding his eyes from the sun’s glare as he watched the vampiric horde coalesce before the city. Already, players were engaging the monsters, with variable amounts of success. In one week, it looked like most players had gotten used to killing goblins, and weren’t accustomed to the faster attack speeds of the ghouls. Well, there were a few that weren’t getting shat on, at least. He landed on the grassy hill, before scratching his head. [b]“Well, wanna join good or evil?”[/b] [b]“I mean, it’s no fun if the Kings screw up because they’re too distracted by the monsters.”[/b] Intolerance sighed, drawing her halberd. [b]“Can’t believe I’m saying this, but let’s go help the Kings. And then call them out to a fight after.” [/b] Tugging slightly at her ear, Ivy tilted her head. Vampire horde attack was not something you saw everyday, even if they were in a game. [b]“Vampires? Kinky. Is that an event that I haven’t heard about?”[/b] If it was one, it was large scale. [b]“Well, if we can’t get anything out of helping the vampires, then I say protect our own, hmm?”[/b] [b]“I mean, who knows, maybe it’d be better to be a henchman of some vampire lord when it comes to facilitating our player hunting.”[/b] But eh, the Vampire trait was a useless pain in the ass back when Elder Tale was a game, so chances are that it didn’t improve at all once everything went virtual reality. Flicking out his silver-steel spear, the boyish youth rolled his shoulders. [b]“Gonna bust out your Banish Undead spells, Ivy?”[/b] [b]“I wouldn’t be an exorcist without them.”[/b] [b]“Well, let’s go bail these idiots out, then. Think I saw two more just go down. God, have these morons just been jerking off all week or something?”[/b] Intolerance said, bracing her halberd in front of her as she prepared to charge. [b]“Christ, Intol, stop fantasizing about the King’s circlejerk.”[/b] [b]“Shut up and start stabbing.”[/b] She shot back as she rushed a vampire, starting to lay into it with repeated slashes of her halberd. Oh ho, how butthurt. Brandishing the Valkyrie’s Flight, Reissten grinned as a howl escaped his being. Wolf ears slid out from his red headband and his fingernails sharpened into claws as strength surged through his body. With a powerful leap, the wolf boy bounded through the skies and drove his spear down the spine of a ghoul, activating Resonance Beat simultaneously, before tossing the squealing beast in Ivy’s direction. [b]“I’m activating Requiem and War Hymn! Keep moving, gu- I mean, girls!”[/b] God dammit, Reisstan. Drawing her sword as the beast flew towards her, Ivy thrusted her weapon upwards to skewer the beast before letting the momentum of the enemy unsheath itself from her weapon. [b]“Dammit Reissten, don’t half-ass your work.”[/b]