[quote=@AceptablyPsycho] Yeah, that's probably what I meant. Hence why it's always a good idea to have at least one copy of the PHB, DMG and MM around for reference. I agree though, I love thumbing through the guides just reading every little detail like Feats, Traits and all the Monsters. I'm especially bad with Pathfinder as there's the Core Book, then all of the Advanced Guides, the Ultimate Guides, the Adventure Modules and Paths, the Companion Guides...... Why is it when you described your character, I automatically thought of Rincewind from the Discworld? Also stolen spellbook huh? Well the Bastardly Bard also had something stolen from his noble family years ago which they spent most of their fortune (and his inheritance) trying to find. The Bard has since spent a portion of his life trying to find this thing, just so he can see what they thought was so damn important. [/quote] Thief wizards. Say no more.