[@Dedonus] Originally, I started Maximum Comics for just the reasons you stated: the concurrent games were spread too thin. Back a few years ago we had an Indie Comics, One Universe, Ultimate DC, and All-Star Marvel game; and my belief was adding a concrete foundation for a true singularization would make them all not needed and thus folks who I value as talented writers could focus their efforts on one game. Unfortunately between my timing, setup, activity, or whatever other effects… it just didn’t work and I began to doubt myself. I take a lot of the blame for this, but I keep thinking in my head that I didn’t build this game for nothing so I really should find a way to make it work; your version of ASM is a good standard to prove that it works. But my activity was jagged for a month and a half…. and folks gave up. I don’t know if ASM has luck or just more determined folks, but it does give me a glimmer of hope for Maximum. I just need to talk with my players and find out how to do just that.