[b][-[i]Accessing Republic Data Logs...[/i]-] [-[i]Accessing Character Manifest...[/i]-] [-[i]Accessing Jedi Temple Archives...[/i]-] [-[i]Accessing Jedi Padawan Teela Kamara...[/i]-][/b] [h2] [color=aba000][i][b]Teela Kamara[/b][/i][/color] [/h2] [b][color=aba000]Bio[/color][/b]: Teela Kamara is a female Twilek from the planet Ryloth. Found only about a year before the Battle of Geonosis, which sparked the Clone Wars, she was brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by an unnamed Jedi. She was strong in the force for her age, but was quite shy compared to her fellow younglings. She trained under Master Yoda, as all the younglings had, and he even remarked on the power of the force within her. After the Clone Wars began, she continued training at the Jedi Temple for several years. She retained her shyness the whole time, however, leading many of the younglings wondering if she would ever be chosen as a Padawan. After training she would often remain in her room and meditate in the quiet space. About nine years after the Clone Wars had begun, Teela, now 12, was called by Master Yoda to his chambers. When she arrived, she was met not only by Yoda, but another Jedi, Knight Kelen Rolin. Rolin was intrigued by this youngling, sensing something that he seemed to like within her. It was there that day, that she was chosen by Rolin to be his Padawan. After that, she would join her master and the 286th Assault Legion as they headed a task force to hunt down the three key separatist leaders, Grevious, Dooku, and Sidious. [u][b][-TIMELINE INCOMPLETE-][/b][/u] [b][color=aba000]Personality[/color][/b]: Though she often tends to be shy around others, she has a kind heart, and an aggressive attitude on the battlefield. She is a decent leader, learning much from her master. Her lack of experience, however, causes her to make many mistakes, something she will learn to overcome or deal with as time passes. [b][color=aba000]Gear[/color][/b]: She wears a standard Jedi Tunic, both upper and lower. She was given a custom fit Visor, similar to what Rolin has, by her master himself. She carries one single bladed blue lightsaber, which she is quite skillful with. [b][color=aba000]Other[/color][/b]: She is almost as skilled a pilot as Rolin, often leading missions in the air with Spade Squadron. She uses a standard Jedi Delta 7B Starfighter, with her Astromech Droid R9-P11. As said above, her shyness disappears on the battlefield, but she is left out of matters such as negotiations and such. She has not mastered many uses of the force as of yet, but has mastered standard push and pull, and is working on mind trick.