Lars, having hamstrung the orc before him, stepped back with a satisfied grunt. With the orc struggling and the blood pooling beneath him, Lars swung his shield in a vicious swipe to the head of the orc, followed by a boot to the chest. A grim smile crossed his face momentarily as he heard the arrow thunk the heavy shield of his companion. Whipping around, leaving his back exposed to the other avenue of access, the avenue that the Lady held. Should the Lady be overcome Lars would be exposed to attack, however, he had fleeting faith in the lady’s ability to fight. Regardless, Lars raised his shield as he glimpsed some movement inside the carriage. It was difficult to see who was exactly inside the carriage, however, the fact that they were using a bow in confined quarters might prove to be their downfall. Whatever happened next Lars would begin a systematic exploration of the carriage with his sword.