A yawn was the only appropriate way to greet the day in losa's opinion and after that the only logical thing to do was stretch, a stretch that started at her front paws where she wiggled her toes, along her arching spine and down with a final swipe to her tail. Opening her soft violet eyes Iosa surveyed her new surroundings. She was currently in a large but single roomed building that was full of piles and piles and piles of stuff, it was like a mountain range of books, dried herbs, potion making kits and other fantastical items. Where she sat at the moment was a small purple cushion she had been bought with, tucked away in the corner. Iosa was only a month old and her eyes had only been open for a matter of day, although she was sad to be away from her mother and her brothers and sisters it was quite exciting to be in a new place. Sitting herself up Iosa proceeded to wash her furr down as was the normal morning ritual for all cats unlike most cats while she licked little flurries of snow could be seen sparkling down around her and melting before hitting the floor. Deciding she was now presentable and ready it was time to begin exploring, she had been too tired the day before. It was only yesterday that she had been bought from the magical market and brought here and after the stress of that all she had wanted to do was sleep. Springing forward with athletic bounds up and over the pile of books which had been separating her from the rest of the room she reached the top of the pile. Feeling brave and emboldened from the climb Iosa let lose what was supposed to be a ferocious meow, but her voice was still tinny and squeaky. It was then that she noticed over in the corner the human who had bought she yesterday, it appeared to be a female human but Iosa was really no good with human genders, they were all so tall and squishy how they told each other apart was a mystery. At her meow the human looked over and smiled, then walking quickly over Iosa found herself being picked up and under her chin tickled. "Well little whiskers, how are you this morning." It was a pleasant surprise to Iosa that she could understand the human words and she mewed back in reply. However all she received back was a smile and some gentle cooing noises, it seemed that she could understand the human but the human couldn't understand her. "Well let's get you some breakfast." And Iosa was carried over to another corner where a sat three food bowls and one large bowl of fresh water. Mewing with excitement Iosa leapt forward and stuck her nose straight in the food bowl.