[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7b/3a/ae/7b3aae7c603a771b2c35f8119b41d19b.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Kalar Splint, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep.[/b][/center] [center][b]Traveling east along the Geshmere Road. 12 miles east of Merandin.[/b][/center] Kalar smirked at the Wolf Girl's response. "Indeed, but my brothers and I are made of harder stuff than most." He turned his head to his men, who were looking for reassurance, and gave them a telling nod. One by one, they lowered their bows and started to clamber back into a loose formation. Looking back at Adria, he cleared his throat, "we're of no threat to you, Wolf Girl, though if time were on our side, I'd of no doubt sought some understanding of your peoples." At the motion of Kalar's raised hand, his rangers began to trot onwards, parting down the middle to allow space for Adria as they passed her. Many gave her wary glances, but none dared stop to make a remark. In their eyes, the sooner she was long behind them, the better. Kalar however was a little more courteous, but mostly because he had a Gods given duty to defend the innocent. He didn't sense much threat in the Wolf Girl, but he didn't sense weakness there either. She was hiding something, but he felt whatever it was would be irrelevant to his present mission. Nevertheless, he would warn her of recent events, and satisfy some of his curiosity. Walking up to her, Kalar bowed his head slightly. "Kalar Splint, of the Galuntrung Rangers," he said with a half smile. "If you have not heard of me or my men, then we're man-hunters, or to put it flatly, we murder murderers. As it happens, a caravan was ambushed further down the road, two miles west. You don't look like you're capable of slaying twenty armed men, and burning women and children in their wagons with a fire strong enough to meld flesh and concrete." He stopped, eyeing the peculiar woman from head to toe. "Though I have been mistaken before. Tell me, Adria of the Wolf People, what has brought you to my kingdom's heartlands? Perhaps you have seen those responsible for the caravan's ambush?" His smile vanished, replaced instantly by an expression of stone. "Perhaps, you are in their keeping?" The rangers had trotted on down the road someways, but were slowing their pace after having realized Kalar had not followed.