Aaaand DONE! [hider=Kenny Lorenzo][hr][hr][center][color=0054a6][h1]KENNY[/h1][/color] [img][/img] [i]“The idea is to die young as late as possible.”[/i] -[b][i]Ashley Montagu[/i][/b][hr][hr][/center][center][color=0054a6][h1][u]T H E B A S I C S [/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Name}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Kenneisa Victoria Lorenzo[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Nickname}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Kenny or Ken. It's short, sweet, and helluva lot easier to say.[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Birth Date}[/b]|[/color] [indent]August 5, 1989[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Age}[/b]|[/color] [indent]26[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Gender}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Sexuality}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Pansexual[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Sexually Active}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Virgin[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Relationship Status}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Occupation}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Works at a small café/bookstore. [/indent][hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][color=0054a6][h1][u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=0054a6]|[b]{In Depth Appearance}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Kenny is a big ball of surprise wrapped up in a petite body. Barely 5'4" on her toes, she has a small frame with a slightly curvy body. Her long brown hair reaches the mid of her back, and is often braided messily over her shoulder. Her eyes are her most notable feature. Not because of the color, as it's just a plain dark brown, but because of the ever present mischievous gleam glittering in them.[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Clothing Style}[/b][/color] [indent]You'll never catch Kenny wearing any fancy clothes or dresses. So long as it's comfy, it's all that matters. More often than not, you'll find her in a large sweater, jeans, and a beanie. The fanciest accessory she owns is a dove shaped charm around her neck, which she never takes off.[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Scars, Tattoos, Piercings}[/b]|[/color] [indent]On Ken's right wrist, written in cursive, is a tattoo of the word 'Forever'. She keeps it hidden most of the time.[/indent][hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][color=0054a6][h1][u]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Likes & Dislikes}[/b]|[/color] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Reading [color=008800]✔[/color]Sleeping [color=008800]✔[/color]Solitude [color=008800]✔[/color]Cracking jokes [color=008800]✔[/color]Sarcasm [color=008800]✔[/color]Hiking [color=008800]✔[/color]Feeling important [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Large, noisy crowds [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Being taken literally [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Serious situations [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Being ignored/forgotten [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Thinking of the future [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Being manipulated[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Hobbies}[/b]|[/color] [indent]-Reading -Hiking -Making bad jokes[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Habits}[/b]|[/color] [indent]-When nervous, Ken will play with her necklace, twirling and tugging it around her finger. -Whenever she's deep in thought, Ken will tap out a steady beat on the nearest surface. Oddly enough, it's always the tune to 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'. -Kenny will often address people as 'Sweetheart' or 'Lovebug', especially if they're close to her.[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Fears}[/b]|[/color] [indent][color=000000]☠[/color][b]Athazagoraphobia[/b] - [i]Fear of being abandoned.[/i] [color=000000]☠[/color][b]Atychiphobia[/b] - [i]Fear of failure.[/i] [color=000000]☠[/color][b]Thanatophobia[/b] - [i]Fear of dying.[/i][/indent][center][img][/img][/center][hr][center][color=0054a6][h1][u]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Personality}[/b]|[/color] [center][u]♦ Secretive ♦ Snarky ♦ Blunt ♦ Flippant ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Laidback and casual, Ken takes the seriousness in life and throws it out the window. She's not afraid of making jokes about someone or something, even if it can hurt them. She loves making people laugh, and will go out of her way to get a smile. Despite her casual outlook in life, Kenny is an emotional wreck inside. She's constantly afraid of being replaced and will often keep her personal life a secret, even to friends. She can get clingy to those that manage to get close to her, and is loyal to a fault.[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Place Of Origin}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Redgrove, Colorado[/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{History}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Being the youngest and only daughter in a family with five brothers, Kenny was regarded as the 'Princess' of the house. She was spoiled rotten, rarely getting into trouble. What she wanted, she got--a trait that carried on throughout the years until high school. During the first two years of highschool, Ken rose in popularity due to her outgoing confidence and humor. She would often get in trouble, but, per usual, she would get off scotch free. Life was good... first. Things began falling apart during senior year. For the past two years, Ken had been questioning her sexuality. She found less attraction to someone's gender, and more towards their personality. She kept these feelings hidden to all, save for her best friend, and later on girlfriend, Tanya. After a while, Kenny finally came to the conclusion that she was indeed pansexual. The problem now was how to come out to her family and friends. For years, Kenny had trusted her parents with her deepest secrets. Lying to them wasn't an option, and she was sure they'd understand. One night, during dinner, Kenny finally confronted her parents about her sexuality. She expected open arms and welcoming smiles. Anything to assure her that she was still their daughter. To her horror, Ken was met with angry words and dismissals that this was 'just a phase'. A she kept insisting that she was pan, harsh words turned into bitter insults. Her parents, once her most trusted confidants, were now telling her that she was a shame to the family. As the year wore on, Ken became more reclusive and quiet. Rarely did the once outgoing girl speak up, opting instead to delve into the sanctuary of books. She became less open and spent most of her time with Tanya. Things took a turn for the worst when Ken and Tanya fell into an argument. Feuled by rage, the latter snapped and called Ken clingy and annoying, and revealed that she bad been cheating on Ken for the past few months. The two broke up soon after and Ken fell into a deep depression. Once she graduated, Ken gathered what little money she had and moved away to a small town to start a new life. She got a job at a local café and currently resides in a small apartment close by. [/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Extra}[/b]|[/color] [indent]-Bilingual: speaks both English and Spanish. [i]Candycane flavored everything.[/i][/indent] [color=0054a6]|[b]{Theme Song}[/b]|[/color] [indent][url=]Let's Dance to Joy Division – The Wombats[/url] [sub]”Let's dance to joy division, And celebrate the irony, Everything is going wrong, But we're so happy.”[/sub][/indent][/hider]