Medusa, please refrain from taking up GM duties in the future. I appreciate you voicing an opinion or concern but demanding someone change their character just because you don't understand them isn't something I like to see. Obviously one post isn't enough to judge a character and neither is the CS. There's a reason I wanted a sketchy description of the character and not their life story. Ralph isn't your character and as such he can't be modelled based on what you think is reasonable. Osieippo, I haven't had the time to see any of your latest revisions but unless there are any major changes then he has been approved by me. If you want to have a compromise with Medusa, you can just say something like he's on light medication or has an undiagnosed condition since recently. Even if he is being medicated there will be no pills in this age so he's still going to have to go without - doesn’t make a difference to the story. If you don't want to change anything thats also fine as far as I'm concerned.