[center][img]http://i1210.photobucket.com/albums/cc415/LillithChristfoREVer296/Rp%20ic%20pictures/worldofcolors_zpsc726123b.jpg[/img] [b]Co-Gm(s):[/b] Spots open [i]"It's said that spirits dwell in objects into which people put their feelings. I've always thought that, if that's true, then the same must be true of artwork. So today, I shall immerse myself in work, so as to impart my own spirit into my creations." ~Guertena[/i] Guertena's final painting was a portrait of himself, one last great work. He was terminal ill and he had a irrevocable fear of dying and being forgotten forever. He worked night and day, immersing himself into his work; hoping that when he was done some part of his soul would be imparted into his creation. But before he could successfully finish his masterpiece he died of his illness. The painting was taken to the Art Gallery and displayed as the artists last painting even though it remained unfinished. Many would think that Guertena's plan to live through his artwork would have failed seeing as it was never finished but this would be false thought. For his feelings were so great and so strong that some of his soul [i]did[/i] indeed become part of the painting itself. But, since the painting was incomplete, it felt unfinished, like a piecing was missing. And so, watching through the window that was his painting, Guertena gazed out at the real world; waiting and watching until those he felt were adequate enough to "complete him" came along. Then, yes then, he would draw them into his Fabricated World...and take their soul. [hr] [hider=Information about the Gallery you'll need to know] [u][b]Your character is [color=red]human[/color]. No powers, no special abilities. Mortal. And there are [u]no[/u] weapons in the fabricated world. Nothing you wouldn't find in an art gallery.[/b][/u] [u][b]Fabricated World:[/b][/u] [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/1z53m9w.png[/img] An exact replica of the Art Gallery except all the artwork comes alive. There are puzzles to solve and things to hide from. The only way out is through the Fabricated World painting and that is only revealed when the creator of the world is destroyed. [hider=Guertena] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/377510842f90ecdf4f56ef812ca55eaa/eyouuwm/pf0mo2ofn/tumblr_static_shouldistop.jpg[/img] "The Blue Rose King" The king of this world, he can change it with a snap of his fingers. He is hidden deep within the Gallery and watches what goes on within. All the paintings bow to him though Mary is an exception. She loves Guertena and knows that this artwork is not him.[/hider] [u][b]The Artwork[/b][/u] [hider=Warning: Very large image][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ibrpg/images/d/d4/Ib-Gallery_(Fabricated_World).png/revision/latest?cb=20130205234710[/img][/hider] [hr] [hider=The Lady in Red] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/5f69/th/pre/i/2012/189/7/d/the_lady_in_red_by_xxsadako_chanxx-d56iovr.png[/img] [i]"It was said that he [Guertena] based this on a lover he had at the time, but he has denied this claim. In truth, Guertena based it around the haughty women who attempted to court him for his inheritance."[/i] [i]"The girls in the canvas...the women here become very troublesome when they acquire a desire for humans.They'll always stubbornly chase things until they're satisfied, it seems...anywhere...everywhere...to the ends of the earth...but if they have a weakness, it is that they can't open doors on their own. The women here love playing "loves me, loves me not".[/i] The Lady in Red, along with other Ladies (Blue and Green), come alive in the distorted museum and chase after the character. They are faster than the headless statues. They drag themselves after their victims. One may think they are slow but they are anything but. If one of them gets a hold of you, they will slowly pick your rose petals off one by one.[/hider] [hider=A painting that spits at you] [img]http://i63.tinypic.com/2v833fo.png[/img] [i]"It's tongue keeps wiggling..."[/i] Touching it's spit will lead to a loss of a petal. It doesn't have a specific name.[/hider] [hider=Headless Statues] [img]http://i63.tinypic.com/2vkkmro.png[/img] "Death of the Individual" Headless Statues that chase you like the Ladies. Them grabbing you is a loss of a petal.[/hider] [hider=Mannequin Head] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/3e220ace45cfb291189c7620a35b09d6/tumblr_mtwcp3BeeM1sfbg8no3_1280.jpg[/img] Appears to be able to move on it's own. May appear randomly at times. It can be broken and cries blood at times. Does not physically injure the player but may try to drive them mad.[/hider] [hider=Claw/Hand] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/ibgame/images/2/24/Ib_Green_Area_4.png/revision/latest?cb=20130330040336[/img] [i]"Beware the edges." "Just when you've forgotten..."[/i] Black claws appear at the edges of some rooms. Touching it will lead to a loss of a petal. It pops out when the player is close to where it is hiding.[/hider] [hider=Mary] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0a/55/e4/0a55e44e03ad996c56b656162e4c0aa9.jpg[/img] [i]"One, Two Mary's comin' for you Three, Four You should run some more Five, Six Better hope you're quick Seven, Eight Now it's too late Nine, Ten You'll never leave again"[/i] Even though Mary seems like an ordinary 9 year-old girl, she is actually the second to last painting that Guertena ever worked on. Her goal is to exit the cursed gallery of the Fabricated World to the real world in order to make a new life for herself and make many friends, but her dream can be reached only if she manages to sacrifice the life of someone from the real gallery before jumping through the Fabricated World painting. Not only that, the only way she can jump through the painting is if she follows someone from the real gallery back into the real world. Mary's rose is fake, as if symbolizing she is too. This could be seen as a representation of Mary's fabricated life, seeing as though she is not a real human. Mary uses one of the yellow roses that are right below her in her painting. Her yellow roses symbolize jealousy, which is a common interpretation in the flower language. Since her rose is fake, the number of petals it has is unknown. She is able to spy on people using these dolls: [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/37255674/superthumb.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] [b]Roses:[/b] [img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-rZOZoDZPHxU/VKNhWvXGSuI/AAAAAAAAGN8/w47cdG1J6NQ/w506-h750/Ib-Mary-Garry-ib-31821921-1100-789.jpg[/img] Each character is given a rose. It is their life-source. Cuts appear on the characters body each time they loose a petal. Vases of water may be found throughout the gallery and when a rose is placed inside the water, all petals are instantly returned and the cuts are healed. Players have ten petals each, no more, no less.[/hider] [/center] Hello there ^^ So, this is based off of the RPG Maker game called "Ib". It's my favorite game in the world and it's free to play and download so I highly recommend it. Anyhoo, knowledge of the game is not required though it is encouraged. The premise is a group of teenagers that had gone to Guertena's art gallery get trapped in an alternative version. In there, the door is locked and the windows do not open. There is no cell phone reception and it is completely empty of life except for the artwork. There will be puzzles to solve at times. [u][i][b]One thing to note:[/b][/i][/u] The players will be trapped in one level at a time. I will make a post stating what the rooms look like, the type of puzzle if there is one, and also what artwork they may find there. The players can not move on until I say so. They are free to wander around the level but they can not leave until the puzzle is solved or the way out appears. As they make their way through the levels, they make their way closer to Guertena. If you have an idea for a piece of art or painting that could plague our characters, shoot me a pm and if I like I'll add it to the list. Once I see about 5 people are interested, I will make the OOC. There are no reservations once the OOC has been made. It's first come, first serve. Hope you like my idea ^^