[hr][h1][i]Maximilian Cornell, Dana Alcott, & [b]Henry Olin.[/b][/i][/h1][hr] "... What did you get on our little guests, Dana?" Maximilian asked as he leaned up against the wall of the observation room. Once again, they were asking the Changelings questions... well, one of them. Only one that bothered to talk was the Witch Mother. Fig kept quiet, and kept laughing. While Heartbreaker shot obscenities at the interogators. "Well, for starters," Dana said as she looked up at the leader of RAVEN. "I have information that Fig is associated with many Middle Eastern terrorist groups... Causing widespread destruction regardless of who's on the recieving end. I don't know how she wound up in America - not without us knowing about it - but it was a few months ago when she was last sighted... In Iraq." Maximilian sighed. "Great, we have a terrorist. What about the Witch Mother?" "Her? I could get some more information on." Dana nodded her head. "Her name is Patricia Hermilus. She's from Haiti. It's hard to get information on this subject, but stories say that she comes from a long line of Metahumans in which the females get incredible power over biology. The Haitians, back then, called it Voodoo instead of it's proper name, hence why they're called [i]Witch[/i] Mothers." "That's pretty typical of humans. Create a name for something you dont understand to explain it." Henry, who was leaning against a wall, piped in. "Just look at the gods of Olympus." "Hmph." Maximilian nodded in response to Henry, simply acknowledging him. "Is there anything more to note?" "I... Believe she was forced into this - Adam and Leon say so, too." Dana started off, hesitant. Wondering what the two would think. She had a feeling they'd swat down her theories. "Leon and Adam say that she's experiencing... guilt. But, she's not telling us much. Like she's afraid of something. I read deeper into the legends, and it doesn't say that the Witch Mothers are [i]evil[i]. Just feared for their ability." "She's not talking because she knows her boss is going to break her out." "I personally dont think we should let up or let her off the hook. Legends or not." Henry stated. "I've been having Eli do some digging into what we know about he changelings... it's not good stuff. We should probably move her soon if we think she's at risk of being liberated unconstitutionally." "Oh, I have this all planned out." Maximilian said, almost grinning smugly. "We know that they are in the city." Dana noted. "They practically announced it when we found Mark and his daughter dead." She hung her head. "And my plan relies on them trying to break Heartbreaker and the others out." "It's a damn shame Mark and his daughter passed. He just about saved my life." Henry said, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Mark was a bad person, but bad people sometimes did good things. He was used to people dying in this field of buisness- he almost expected it given Mark's lack of experience with the whole situation he had been in. But hearing or seeing it, no amount of preparation could prepare a person fully for that. "I wish we could have done more to help them - it's what we agreed to do in the first place." Maximilian shook her head, lowering it in shame. "But, we have to do our best to bring the Changeling Unit down once and for all. They made the mistake of revealing their hand too early, [i]and[/i] giving us plenty of time to prepare." Dana nodded her head. "And the key to stopping them lies in keeping Heartbreaker detained. If what the information Mark gave us is correct, the Unit is going to break her out. In case they breach headquarters, I mixed up the information a bit; the [i]files[/i] say that Heartbreaker is being contained in a cell that she isn't. Only RAVEN knows otherwise." "It'll prolong them just in case." Max said. "But, that reminds me of a group of people we drove [i]into[/i] hiding." He started off. "The Hands Chairmen." Dana nodded her head. "After the raid on their stronghold, it's likely we won't be able to find them." "I doubt they're off the grid right now. I'll talk to a few of my sources and see if I can get a few... tips on where to look. Might be able to point you in the right direction." Henry said, his lips tugging upwards lightly. Maximilian didn't want to question who his sources are. At this point, it's proven that the Hands of Science are so dangerous that it warrants acting... outside the law. Just a [i]little[/i]. "Do what you need - in the meantime, we'll just have to keep knocking over labs." "The information that Co- Cyber got us is helping Branches in other cities." Dana smiled. "This raid has really given us a leg over them." Just as their conversation was coming to an end, Maximilian's cellphone started vibrating, playing a song. Max reached into his pocket, and pulled it out, and the caller ID read [i]Sonya Mayfield[/i]. He wondered what she wanted, she should be fulfilling Henry's little deal with Trevor. He pressed answer, and the first thing he heard was automatic gunfire. He realized that he should have pressed answer. "Agent Cornell, speaking," Max started off. Henry could hear Sonya's voice chattering, and how Max's heartrate almost immediately sped up. "No, Agent Mayfield," He started off, shaking his head. "He can't shoot the minigun. No, he can't shoot the grenade launcher [i]either[/i]." He clenched his cellphone, and turned his heard halfway to Henry. Giving him an angry look that just conveyed how angry he was getting. Max put his hand over the cellphone's speaker, and said to Henry, "Agent Olin, how about you go down to the shooting range, and stop Agent Mayfield from wasting our entire ammo supply for one deal?" It was hard not to tack on "that [i]you[/i] made". "Yeah, I might as well help her out in doing that." Henry said, giving Max a sly grin and pushing off of the wall he was leaning on to head to the gun range. "Olin, please." "Yeah, yeah. Party pooper. No cake for you." When Henry walked off, Maximilian facepalmed so hard. He said to Dana, "At this point, I don't know who's the bigger threat; Hands of Science, or [i]my team[/i]." [hr][h1][i][color=Lawngreen]Sonya Mayfield[/color], [color=Plum]Trevor Obott[/color], & [b]Henry Olin[/b].[/i][/h1][hr] "... Okay, I didn't get the minigun, but I got the [i]grenade launcher![/i]" Sonya said as she ran into the room with a M32 Grenade launcher. "Oh shit, how'd you get it?" Trevor asked as he aimed down the range with a ACR. He stopped firing when Sonya came in. "Blackmailed the Quartermaster." Sonya said so casually that it implied that she does this on a regular. "Said I'd tell his wife that I caught him getting head from one of the privates if he didn't give it to me." "Oh shit. Looks like he should have kept it in his pants." Trevor started laughing, then the question hit him. "Was she hot?" "It was a guy." "And? Question still stands." "Some would say that's something you should report to HR." Henry said, slinking through the doorway with his arms crossed. "Although I'm not really one of those people." Both turned towards Henry. With Sonya shoving the grenade launcher into Trevor's chest quickly. "... He stole it." Sonya grinned. "Hey!" Trevor snapped at Sonya (Jokingly, of course), before he faced the lizardman in the room. "But, uh, hey, Henry! We were just having some fun here in the shootin' range with all these fancy. I was hopin' to start shooting with you, in fact." He smiled widely. "Give me a shot. It's my turn and the only time I can hit a target is with collateral damage." Henry said, putting one of his hands out for Trevor to place the genade launcher. He was shit with most weapons because they were rather... small. Sonya put her hands on her hips, and tilted her head. Giving Henry a curious smirk. "... There's a reason why [i]I'm[/i] the sniper, and you're the spotter!" Sonya chipped, her tongue flopping out her mouth. "There's also a reason why I'm a higher rank than you. Now put that thing away before someone steps on it." Henry said, giving her a friendly grin. He then caught himself. "Oh! Nearly forgot." He said, reaching into his pocket and handing Sonya his ID. 'Captain Henry J. Olin.' 'NEST First Class' "Take that to the quartermaster. No need to make sexual abuse claims on anyone. Just show 'em that I'm asking. Now go get that minigun." "Ooooh, naughty." Sonya said as she sucked her tongue back into her mouth. "Maxi is going to literally explode if he finds out that we're using the grenade launcher, [i]and[/i] the minigun." She started laughing as she jumped to the door. "I'll be back. You boys have fun!" She said as she hopped through the doors. Now that left Trevor and Henry. The former was having a blast. He was in the headquarters of one of the greatest organizations in the world (I.E The one that didn't beat him up as much as the others), shooting all their expensive guns after helping save the day. Oh, yeah, he wanted to talk to Henry about that. "So, uh, Henry," Trevor said as he grabbed the ACR, and walked over to the range. "Wanted to talk to you about, you know... what happened that night, if it's okay." He shrugged. Henry aimed down the sights of the M32 grenade launcher, and fired off a few shots. Henry was huge and the gun was very small on him. Because of this Henry wasn't a very good shot. The flares, which were in place of actual grenades fired off and despite this Henry still counted it as a victory since it was... close enough. Once he had deemed himself not a failure, he turned his head away from the gun to face Trevor. "Uh... yeah, what do you want to know?" "Whoa - oh wait." Trevor got his hopes up when Henry fired the grenade launcher. The boy wanted real grenades, not these gay flares. He'll have to convince them to get actual grenades later (Well, he [i]did[/i] convince them to get the minigun, he can do anything with his Texan charms!). Though, that's a whole another discussion. "Well, it's less of wanting to know something, and wanting to say a few things," Trevor started off, looking off to the side for a moment. "I was just, uh, thinking about how I helped people. Even indirectly." He shrugged. Okay, Trevor knew he was sounding a little awkward. "I mean, NEST didn't suffere any casualties, right? And ya'll got a lot of people out of there? I feel like I'm putting this stupid-ass power of mine to good use." Henry contemplated his response. He was, unfortunately, fairly certain that not everyone walked out of that building okay. Some dude probably got stabbed by an HIV infected needle and as always someone probably fell down the stairs... and he and Max got beaten to a pulp. He was still figuring out his new ability and just... gah. Shit's weird, yo. "We got everyone out. A few agents, myself included, had to be taken into the hospital on a stretcher but... You did an amazing thing. If anyone... didn't go home, they were by far the minority. You [i]did[/i] save a lot of lives, though." Henry commented. He lowered the gun and heaved up the next gun, which was a combat shotgun. "Your sister and parents, wherever they may be, would be proud Trevor. If there's one thing I've found about people it's that no matter if they shun you or dislike you because you're one of... us," Henry said, motioning to himself for emphasis. "It's that using what you have to help other people is always smiled upon. Even if they dont want to admit it." Henry finished. He turned back to the target and with one arm aimed the shotgun and fired off two shots. One of which missed completely, while the other hit pretty dang close to the bullseye. That speech... that really felt like it was something that Trevor needed. "You know... yeah, thank you." Trevor nodded his head. That cheeky grin was nonpresent. Henry was right, he helped people. Even if it was for rather stupid reasons at first, and even if he pissed himself, he made sure that people made it out of that hell-lab. "I feel great making sure that everyone made it out alive, and you stuck it to those bastards." Trevor just flat out and said it. "But, you know, I was..." He trailed off for a brief moment, thinking about how Henry would feel about this. "... Ah, screw it, I was thinking about joining NEST." He shrugged. "Hah, more like they stuck it to us. Max and I nearly got fucked right, I got lucky too." Henry stated, taking another shot. When Trevor said he was going to join NEST though, Henry jumped a little, and his arm moved, making the shot go way off course. ...Which resulted in the pellet's spread being perfectly on target. Damn. "Well, you know how I feel about that." Henry said, lowering the gun and clicking on the safety. "I supported your sister, and I'll support you. Verthaven needs all the help it can get right now." he continued, reloading the gun and then setting it on the counter next to Trevor for him to use next. "Just make sure you're okay with it... Since... the incident our reputation's gone down. We're working it back up and the RAVEN program has been a massive success so far, just... just make sure you want to do [i]this[/i]." Henry said, motioning to all around him. "You'll be fine either way, but I dont want you having any regrets. Ya know?" Henry had a few points here. Verthaven needs a hero... well, [i]more[/i] heroes - but was [i]Trevor[/i] ready to be one of them? He wasn't completely sure himself. Meifeng always said something like "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". He was ready to give this NEST business a try - even if he becomes something lame like a nurse (He'll be the cutest nurse there is). Either way, if it doesn't work, he can always pursue his earlier dreams of becoming a male pornstar! Trevor grabbed the gun, and walked over to the range without a word. He braced himself on the stand, before aiming down the sights. Taking a breath. "It's a shotgun, so it's got some kick to it." Henry commented, crossing his arms and watching the young man. Fortunately, due to years practicing shooting at a ridiculously young age, the boy was ahead of the game, shall we say. He was getting ready to shoot when Henry.... Henry smirked. "Hold on ooooone second." he stated, before turning around and disappearing around the corner. He returned a few minute or so lated holding a rather large but otherwise normal looking rifle. "It's all loaded up. Give this one a shot." Henry said, a stupid grin on his face. Trevor's otherwise plain facial expression turned upside down into a comical frown, upon seeing the ridiculously large gun. "... Is that a damn T-Rex gun?" Trevor had to ask. He saw a few videos of it on the internet. "Elephant gun, actually. 577 Tyrannosaur." Henry stated. He turned to face the target and fired off a shot himself. Despite Henry's immense size, even his shoulder moved some from the force behind the gun. He whistled lowly and peered down the shooting range to get a look at the size of the entry hole the bullet left in the target. "It's like, ten bucks a shot," Henry commented, moving his arm in a circular motion to relax his shoulder. "Wanna give it a shot?" Trevor knew that saying yes was a stupid idea. That could result in his shoulder getting destroyed (Not just any shoulder, his shooting shoulder!). Though, he couldn't resist shooting such a comically powerful weapon ([i]What the hell are guns these even for? Elephants are awesome![/i]). Damn, he wished that the others were here, so he could blame all of this on peer pressure. "... I'll do it." Henry gingerly passed the weapon into Trevor's hand. "Be careful with her, she is special to me..." He said quietly. Trevor ignored the innuendo he could make right now in favor of focusing on the matter at hand. He took a step to the range - and that step felt like he was walking the green mile. He couldn't bitch out now. Not when he can look cool in front of Henry, and prove he'll be a great NEST Agent! He had to brace himself [i]just[/i] right, or else this was going to hurt. A lot. He aimed down the sights right at the center of the target... a red dot. He hated red dots. There was a welling feeling in his chest that this was not going to end well. But when the hell has that stopped him? Feeling as if he needed to stop being a bitch, Trevor pulled the trigger, and god [i]damn[/i] he should have turned it down. The kickback was so strong that Trevor was launched backwards so fast that, the next thing he knew, he was on the ground. Hard. The gun hit the ground right next to him. His shoulder was crying in pain. On the bright side, he hit the target right on the mark. "... I did it." Trevor said, as he raised a finger. "I didn't miss... Yay... Aren't I NESt material?" "I got the minigun! Thing's heavy as hell." Sonya shouted as she kicked the door open, holding the minigun in between her froggy hands. She took two steps in, and looked down at the groaning Trevor... and the gun at his side. "God damn it, Henry. You're supposed to do this stuff while [i]I'm[/i] watching. Might have to report you to Maxi now." "I got it on Snapchat dont worry!" Henry said, passing his phone to her. "Ooooh!" Sonya took the phone without hesitation, and watched it - before she burst out in tears laughing! "Hahahaha! You could have did a flip, Trev!" She laughed. "... You're a dick, Henry." Henry looked over to Trevor, and walked over, grabbing the young man by the arm and lifting him back up to a standing position, grabbing the elephant gun with his other hand. "Yeah man, you're in." Henry said. He had pulled the same thing on Scarlet. "Just submit your application and I'll pull the strings from there." Trevor brushed himself off. "... Thank you, thank you, thank you...." "I'll warn you, for now you might not go on any huge missions. Might act as a NEST deputy for the time being and work with another NEST agent just cause you're a minor. Just... write your age down as being seventeen." Henry said, scratching the back of his head. He'd make sure no one... noticed anything. "Yeah... I think I will..." Trevor looked around. "... After I put my shoulder back in place." Henry's phone started ringing, and he glanced at the caller ID saying "MAXIMILIAN CORNELL". Henry sighed and answered the call, making sure to put the call on speaker. "... A god damn Minigun?!" Max shouted through the phone, practically shaking with rage. His pectoral muscles were almost at critical explosion levels. "I just told Mayfield she couldn't use the Minigun, and you just give it to her?!" Henry could hear Crawling playing in the background. "Well I mean it's for my person use because I felt like I needed practice, ya know, heavy gunning and all..." Henry said, doing his best not to snicker or bust out laughing. "Olin," Maximilian started off. "Echo is heading to your location, and he's going to punch you through. The. [i]Roof.[/i]" He paused for a moment. "You best start running." "Why run when you can minigun?!" Henry said, and then he hung up. "Whelp," Trevor started off. "I think I should go, before Max sends his punch-ghost here." Sonya, on the other hand, quickly turned invisible. Like hell she was going to miss this ass whopping! "Yeah, since you're planning on joining up, you'll get your tour another day. Dinner tonight with the gang is at eight. Seeya then, Trevor." Henry said, winking at the young man. Trevor nodded his head, and quickly made his way out of there.