[@Wind Wild] I don't really want to get into a conflict, but I think everyone has the right to their own opinion. [@Medusa] didn't actually demand [@OSIEIPPO] change his character. She only pointed out some of the things she thought were problematic, and that's not the prerogative of the GM; everyone is able to point out their opinions on other characters because this is a [i]group[/i] roleplay that requires we function as a team. If there are some grievances, I'd prefer people express them in the open rather than harbor some sort of secret dislike. OSIEIPPO took Medusa's comments super gracefully, too, so I don't see what the problem is with her pointing it out. In terms of the actual quarrel being discussed, I have to agree with Medusa here. Mental illness is just as serious as any physical illness. If you wouldn't say, "...has an extremely slender build which can often be mistaken with cancer" then you shouldn't make a comparison to an eating disorder. It doesn't improve the reader's understanding (eating disorders are illnesses, not body types), and it's not really a valid point to make. Again, I'm not here to pick fights, but mental illness is an extremely serious issue that affects a large number of the population, so we shouldn't trivialize those struggles as something that can be plopped into a sentence without any explanation. Sure, Ralph isn't my character either, but I think everyone should take other people's input into consideration, especially if they're voicing their concern over something that they think is unresearched/offensive. (No offense meant to OSIEIPPO either because I'm very glad he's taken this so well and is willing to mend that particular part of his characterization.)