[@Medusa] Dahlin' we a'int but humble, part time fiction writers, please show a little grace to us who have not had the experience necessary to be so brutally accurate in our character depictions. I understand how frustrating erroneous depictions of RL can be, but please remember we aren't here to write out Real Life. We're here to [b]play[/b]. Play a role that we [i]invent[/i] for ourselves and those we choose to write with, to be specific. So try not to be so critical of our depictions, we're trying to write a story, and have fun, not be the most accurate writers on the web. What I'm trying to say is that, your posts all seem very critical, which is understandable, but not necessary, and in Wind's case unwelcome. (I presume on the grounds that she's not keen to deal with player strife, but that's my guess, not her words) Thank you for being so civil in communicating your point of view, forgive us if we are used to certain word patterns being associated with certain tones, which may not be the case in your writing, or anyone else's. Does that clear things up? EDIT: ... And I took to long to post again, and got beaten to the punch be someone who said it better than I did. Oh well. Thanks [@Mistress] for adding a clear recap of events.