Thanks for the compliment, [@Tracyarmav]. My issue is that I think criticism should be considered welcome, not unwelcome. I can't speak for everyone, but I know my main goals as a role-player are to develop accurate characters and improve my writing. It's certainly an escape and something we do for fun, but that doesn't mean we should be insensitive or inaccurate in our depictions of people. Ultimately, our characters are people: not real-life people but representations of them. That's why I understand what Medusa's trying to get at; if we were here to create unrealistic characters, we'd join different role-plays in different forums - and unrealistic does not mean problematic. Critical analysis is good as long as it's defended with evidence and is not too harsh. I'm here to play, as you mentioned, but my immersion is disrupted when someone creates a character I believe is unrealistic, and that makes my experience worse. Personally, I expect realism and research from my role-playing partners. I stated before that we're here to work as a team, and that does mean voicing concerns. Being critical is the way to go, in my opinion, because it helps us all grow as people and as writers. My assumption is that everyone here (in the Advanced forum) is interested in improving their writing and characterization, and if that's not the case then you're probably in the wrong place.