It was pretty amazing how quickly things were falling apart. They hadn't even began their mission, and already there was strife within the group. '[i]How sad[/i]' Fi lamented internally '[i]does Lord Death truly expect us to triumph over these monster, when we can not even triumph over the turmoil within. Should things remain as they are now, then I doubt we will have a chance. Any half competent foe could take advantage of such a division in a group. looks like things might be working them-self out. I can only hope that this uneasy truce between us can hold until-[/i]' His internal monologue was halted when he saw something sparkle on the ground '[i]...shiny...[/i]' His Meister on the other hand, didn't have the luxury of getting distracted by something sparkly. " What's our next move?" As scary as it was, Ethan just wanted to get this over with. '[i]The longer it takes for the fighting to start, the harder it'll be. Gah! Why can't we just go do this now!?[/i]' His anxiety bubbling over inside him, he made a suggestion he normally wouldn't have made "I say we charge them right now! Let's just get this over an done with right now! It's just like taking off a band aid; the longer we take, the more painful it is!" Fi was broken out of his shiny induced stupor by the mad ravings of his partner "Fi! Fiii Fii Fi Fiiiiiii." he chastised him "B-b-but Fi, you know what I'm like. You know how hard it-" "Fi Fi Fiii. Fiiii Fiii Fi" Jumping out of his Meister's arms and onto his shoulder, he patted him on the head "Fi Fi Fi Fi Fiiiiii! Fiii Fi Fii." He reassured him "O-oh thank you Fi. You always know what to say to make me feel better." By now, Ethan was tearing up a little, and they both had forgotten that there were other people around them