[hider=Haruka] Name: Haruka “Haru” Taiyo Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Yamainu Appearance: Haruka is rather short and has a very petit build. Good for martial arts, but not so good for not being mistaken for a boy. She has short dog ears that tend to stick straight up, and her skin is tan as she spends most of her time outdoors. Her hair is short and black while her tail is rather fluffy, and is of the type that turns up and curls slightly. Her eyes are dark brown. Being the scrappy little thing she is, she has a few cuts and scars here and there. She generally wears the yellow robes associated with her temple, along with a pendant shaped like the sun. This was given to her by her master, and is very precious to her. Weapons/Belongings: Rope, throwing stars, sun pendant, naginata, meteor hammer, tonfas, rations, a waterskin, herbs, poultices, tinctures, salves. Magic:(If any): Haruka’s body, having been through rigorous secret eastern training, is overflowing with ki that modifies her base properties. Poisons and diseases are driven away more quickly than they can take root, and her mind cannot be tampered with. In addition, she is always stronger and faster than most humanoids of her build could be. Her body is as iron, her fists are as steel, and her speed is like that of a cheetah. She can also channel her ki into other living things to stun them or into inanimate objects to shatter them. Her reserves are not unlimited, however, and she requires energy from the sun to restore her ki. Personality: Haruka can be rather hot-headed and act rashly, but she always means the best. Haruka isn’t super bright except when it comes to combat, thus she tends to offer half-baked ideas on the spur of the moment. She’s generally very kind and tries to always stay optimistic, even when things seem grim. Short History: Haruka was dropped off at an Eastern temple on a mountaintop when she was a baby in the dead of night, leaving the monks there to raise her. They did so happily, thinking of her as something like a good luck charm due to her strange doglike ears and tail. A spirit, they had thought, sent by the sun goddess to watch over them. Most of the monks were very calm and quiet folks, but Haruka was always very energetic and enthusiastic. Well, at least when it came to training her body. Book learning didn’t go quite so well, but the monks there always adored her all the same. One monk in particular got along with her very well, and they trained together often. While the monk was old, his skill in the martial arts was unmatched even by the other monks. His training could be harsh at times, but Haruka completed each task until there was nothing left to learn. Then, one night soon after the final lesson, her master was slain by a lone swordsman. She decided then and there that she would leave the temple that had been her home for so long to find the person who killed her master and avenge him. She finds herself currently quite far from home, in a strange new land very different from what she had known. She has since taken her mental studies more seriously and, while still not the sharpest knife in the drawer, has deeply immersed herself in medicine, thinking that she may have been able to save her master if she had known more. [/hider]