[quote=@FantasyChic] This. So much this! I've noticed it a lot lately too. I can see the RPs in my Sub Box just sitting there and I'm like "So...we got our characters made. You gonna do anything?" What annoys me to is when the GM doesn't post regularly to see if progress is being made. Just a simple "People still interested? Need help making your sheets?" and that's it. I've seen and had to drop RPs for this because the GM decides to not update anyone anymore. It's not up to the players to get a game started. [/quote] I don't mean to sound defensive, but this goes both ways sometimes. Active players inspire an active GM; an active GM inspires active players. It's a symbiosis between the two that is often overlooked, in my opinion. People often assume that the Game Master/Leader/Teacher should do everything, but the players/followers/students have an equally important task in that endeavor. I know that I can get discouraged if my players don't say anything, don't talk to each other, or just sits there waiting for me to keep everyone entertained. So, what you are describing could be a reaction to that. Now, I don't know the context, and maybe it's just the GM, but what I've mentioned here is fully possible.