[h1][center] [color=lightblue]Minami[/color] - [color=darkred]Ryo[/color] [/center][/h1] [center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/4d064f15a2cc27c2614bf924094d6958/tumblr_nyz1rmAOfg1s5melyo1_250.png[/img] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/62c6acaa8840cfead4b317a266ef18bc/tumblr_nyz1rmAOfg1s5melyo2_250.png[/img][/center] [hr] At first it was shock, but then that quickly turned into shame, and fury. Those two feelings should not be put together, but Minami couldn't help but feel them due to the fact that Corvus couldn't set his differences aside, and she was in no way honest enough to be able to blurt out their weakness like Sulley had just done. To be able to set their differences aside was what many of the meisters were doing to complete the mission even though they all truly felt the opposite; including herself. She'd rather show her power than to have to share it with the others, but wasn't dumb enough to leave out the important fact of a cult being too much for them to handle with their limited ability to resonate. Unlike Sulley and Corvus who have an unsteady bond Ryo and her are able to hold theirs for quite a while, but they can't fully resonate. Ryo isn't strong enough to be able to cut well no matter how much he practices which knocks her down a few notches on the power skill level. Because that feeling exist is the reason why their resonance isn't complete which is also the reason as to why she feels ashamed when Sulley admitted their weakness. Ryo on the other hand was shocked in a way that made him wonder how much Corvus and Sulley have been faking it to make it. They are quite powerful and well-known around the academy, so it would make sense that they'd do their best to keep that weakness a secret. However, Corvus seems to get upset easily that it would be a real struggle to keep their image up while fighting if that's the reason for their resonance to break apart, so it's still a complement in a sense that they were enduring pain to show how strong they are. [i]I don't think I'll bring that to their attention because then Corvus is going to explode, and I don't want to be the reason Corvus starts fighting more people than usual.[/i] While pushing that thought away Ryo glanced toward Minami as he wondered why she was acting the way she was. He was ready to have to physically restrain Minami in case she followed the pair outside, but to his surprise she didn't do that. Not that he was complaining since it's not everyday Minami holds back in times like these. While she was thinking Ryo took a step closer, and put one hand on her shoulder. [color=lightblue]"Thank you."[/color] she mumbled to him as she snapped out of her thinking. [i][color=darkred]No problem. [/color][/i] She looked around at the others who were also going to be a part of the mission. [i]How does Corvus actually believe that he needs none of them?[/i] Unlike her, Soonue is calm most of the time so she could have a skill that could make this mission be smooth and steady. Frankly, she doesn't like Claus, but does know that he's a valuable asset that Lord Death did good in picking, and Ethan is fun to have around although there's something she always seems to be overseeing with that kid that pokes at her each time she interacts with him. Dahila...She's a whole other story to be fully honest, and would rather not remember it since it involves kickng ass, and being kicked in the ass. [i]Of course I may agree with him to a certain extent, but maybe that numbskull needs to reacquaint himself with the reality that this cult is bigger than his ego.[/i] With that last thought she began walking toward the rest of the group. [color=lightblue]"Time to make some battle plans!" [/color] Ryo once again put his hand on his forehead as he followed. [color=darkred][i]How is it that one second you're upset, and the next you're blinding others with your excitement?[/i][/color]