Heloise resigned herself to playing nurse, and began to patch up Rachel as best as she could, and probably not doing a good job. But at least wounds were bandaged, pain was lessened and that would make things better. Hopefully. She was trying to sound positive. As the sounds of fighting ensured, Heloise hissed, wanting to help, but focusing on Rachel. At Xerox's badgering, Heloise let out an annoyed growl, and called [color=f6989d]"I'm going as fast as I can, you want it done right or done fast? Done fast, I will probably hurt her more! So shut up and let me work!"[/color] bit she was pretty much done, with her mediocre skills in healing. She should have tried summoning Solias, but she didn't. Instead she nudged Rachel along, and hurried off to help Xerox, [color=f6989d]"I'm coming!0[/color]