* Name: Svenja * Appearance: [hider=portrait][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/znpgmr.jpg[/IMG][/hider] * Age: 15 * Personality: Svenja has been a passive nomad with a playful demeanor on many accounts. She is regularly immature and is quick to play the light-hearted performance. Her opinion's are not harsh to her standards, but she hasn't developed a complete understanding of social graces. Don't plan on her ever staying in one place for too long; maybe by the tomorrow she is heading on to the next new home. * Background: Coming out from the forests of an exotic climate, it isn't often you find someone who left their tribe like Svenja. Over the last two years, she has left her tribe with the blessing of her family to travel. She embarked on treks that took her over mountains on behalf of small, adventurous groups like herself. To the coast, out on the sea, and eventually north toward the fractured city-states. She came at a recent time, and settled outside a city she entertains and trades inside of for the last six months. It isn't often folks seeing a girl of magic from further lands than their own, and she has made friends quickly because of this novelty. She can quickly take up any odd task or a new mission's adventure, for the sake of spending time in a new light. * Faction: She has no true understanding of the history in this area, despite being adequate in the native language. Primarily she stays out of politics so far, being a compassionate vessel inside of the city. * Magical Weapon: A bull whip. This is a long, slim whip that snaps the air with a life of its own. The length can flex and shorten by the will of Svenja, and under her dexterity it can make quite the noose. * Magical Incantation: Whiplash: The weapon can be cracked and a wave of momentum can rip the earth deeply, or send the stones it snaps on to shatter. * Other things: Svenja will not eat anything made with animals. Her fairy on most occasions hides inside of her unkempt hair, unless in the presence of another magical girl. Despite her age, Svenja had grown up in her tribe with a different outlook on her magic. That being said, her strength is trained and disciplined by a physical understanding of physical combat. What is used by her for magic has only been in simple situations of wildlife and plant cultivation. Fairy's Appearance: A small, bat-like creature, with webbed wings of a deep plum color. It has the same inherent little squeaks and a nocturnal nature. He seems on many occassions to be sleeping, or ready for another nap.