I'm going to have to apologize, because I ended up skimming a lot of that. I didn't intend to make this as dramatic as you think this needs to be, and never once implied that I was some sort of expert on mental illnesses (as you aren't either). However, I don't understand how your anthropology major (congrats for you) would come into play, as mental illnesses are not culturally based. A lot of us have degrees here, none of which have to do with whatever point you're attempting to make. We ended up solving the issue by OSIEIPPO graciously agreeing to change his post. I never once bullied him, and instead pointed out factual remarks, which was supported by another roleplayer on the thread. The truth is, someone with such a mixed bag of mental illnesses, unmedicated,[i] is[/i] impossible. Also, my point was that an eating disorder is not a body type, and since you just hate "gross generalizations," you might want to fix your own character on that front too. The issue is with you writing an essay about some dictatorship that I'm trying to take a hold of, which isn't the case. We solved the "problem" long before you even logged onto the site, and I'd hate to see any of this imagined discourse against me go further. This rp is your train wreck, and you're the conductor. In your own words, "wow this got overblown fast. All of you, please relax." I'm not going to reply to these back-and-forths since they've really been a waste of everyone's time. We got over the situation quickly, and I'd rather just end this here since we all seem to be such busy people.