[quote=@tsukune] Since my collab with Phil is a flashback (events that happen in-between the timeskips), I'm still open for anyone who wish to interact with my characters. [/quote] I guess Shizuka could be at the Candy Club with Cindy or where ever. Otherwise, Cindy's going to be at her apartment. [quote=@tsukune][@Mr Allen J] I'm under the impression that Shizuka has to work at Cindy's bar for at least 3 months (maybe even more) before he's cleared of her bike's debt. Well, I dunno how much her bike costs, and I'm not sure if all his salary will be deducted solely to get her a new scooter. [/quote] Hm... She has a Honda 2007 Metropolitan Scooter. Which, after a little scouting, costs like a two thousand dollars rounded up (Compared to the newer models, it isn't [i]that[/i] expensive). Though, she could have always got that shit off Craig's list for waaaaay cheaper. [quote=@tsukune] ...Oh yeah, what about the Ghost Town Trip? [/quote] I thought about it, and dunno. I think with all the freaky deaky shit going on in Verthaven, it wouldn't really make too much sense to go. I know Cindy's not going no matter what.