[hider=Luis] [b]Name[/b]: [indent][i]Luis[/i] (Codename: [i]Bloodsucker[/i])[/indent] [b]Age[/b]: [indent]Far, far, too old for this.[/indent] [b]Description[/b]: [indent]The leader of the Changeling Unit, and one of the most feared Metahumans out there. Merely for his ruthless pursuit of his goals, and sheer brutality he shows when he faces his enemies. Though the years, life has turned a once noble man into a monster. Luis is a tall man that is of European - Primarily from Spain - descents. His pronounced facial features are quite consistent with Spainards. One of his most pronounced features were his black, curly hair, that is neck-length. Well groomed in fact. He looks somewhat classy. Luis wears a pinstriped dress-shirt, and some jeans. With a brown longcoat thrown over it. All over his being, he has knives hidden on him. He was never a fan of guns.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b]: Blood-Empowerment. [indent]Bloodsucker is an incredibly powerful Metahuman. He boasts incredible regeneration, strength, durability, and speed. This isn't the full extent of his abilities, however. He also has a minor-Hemokinetic ability. He can, while touching blood, move it around. This only assists him when he uses his main ability: bloodsucking. Luis can absorb blood of people through his skin to gain power.[/indent] [/HIDER]