[b][u]WARCRAFT DAWN OF A NEW AZEROTH CHARACTERS[/u][/b] [hider=HALLAM RAMSEY] [center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lql3nrsrgx1qkswsho2_500.jpg[/img] [h2] Hallam Ramsey | 24 | Alliance Mage [/h2][/center] Hallam was born in Strahnbrad and well on his way to following in his father's footsteps to become a hunter to provide food for his home, but in an act of teenage rebellion he ran away from home to study in Dalaran. He'd long envied his neighbor, Enchanter Millius, and his ability to use magic. He knew his father would never allow him to learn, so he took matters into his own hands. He did not often regret his decision, not until the Scourge marched on Dalaran. He escaped with a handful of other residents, but they fought hard to reach safety. They found it in Tarren Mills for a time, but the influx of refugees to the town made it too good of a target to pass up and the town was destroyed by the Scourge. Hallam spent nearly a year on the run before finally the Scourge-Forsaken conflict allowed him to break through and find Southshore. From there he was evacuated to Kalimdor. Relieved as he was to return to studying magic, Hallam never forgot his experiences in Lordaeron. He eventually left to learn in the world instead of in a library. He tested his talents and skills by helping the Alliance in Dustwallow Marsh and the Barrens, but soon he found himself considering the Argent Dawn. A cause worth his service and coin worth his time; what's not to like? [/hider]