cd9575 [center][color=cd9575][h1]Tessa Gray[/h1][/color] [img][/img][hr][hr] [/center] [quote][color=8dc73f]♫[/color] – Best Friend [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] – Friend [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] – Neutral [color=ed1c24]⚡[/color] – Rival [color=ed1c24]⚔[/color] – Nemesis [color=f49ac2]♥[/color] – Love Interest [color=f49ac2]⚤[/color] – Boyfriend/Girlfriend[/quote] [hr][hr] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=ebcc78]Francis "Cole" Coleman[/color] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Cole is into woodworking as well, which is neat, but he's a bit intense for me. I'll keep my distance."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [color=f09fb4]Jay Hunter-Darling[/color] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"I never would have made friends with Jay if Janice hadn't have died. For now though it's nice to have someone that isn't like anything that makes me think of her. He's good people, and it pisses mom off to no end because she thinks he'll make me become a druggie or something terrible. I'll let her think that, but I know I can trust him."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=1fc1f0]Malcolm Okada[/color] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Plays soccer... Even if he is kinda cute."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=32CD32]Ash[/color] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Oh Ash you're too attractive for your own good. At least you swim mostly. You seem cool, but I'd rather not get wrapped in whatever drama you probably bring with you."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=436EEE]Scout[/color][color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"If I know anything about how this town paints people Scout is probably the sweetest person you could meet. I remember a few fights she got into, but I'd have to say I don't think she's ever been the one to start them."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Richard King[/color] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Another Soccer player. Janice never cared for him, she called him stuck up."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [color=FF69B4]Alice[/color] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Alice is sweet and I appreciate her kindness. She does it in the best possible way. I hope she sees me as a friend that she could come to if she needed to talk."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [color=8dc73f]♫[/color][color=d86c00]Nina[/color][color=8dc73f]♫[/color] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color][/h3][/sup][i]"I wish I could be anything other than pissed or jealous of Nina right now, but I can't. I miss my friend but it hurts too much right now, I just need some space. I don't know if we'll ever go back to the way it was, well in all honesty it can't. Janice is gone and Nina and her brother are too wrapped up in the memories of everything that Janice and us were."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [color=0076a3]Petyr [/color] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"This is another friend that's wrapped up in just too many memories. Like with Nina I wish it could go back to the way it was, but I don't think it ever can."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=e62020]Jade[/color] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Jade's childhood has been spoken of around the kitchen table a few times, sounds like it was pretty awful.[/i] [sup][h3] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [color=81F7F3]Gerard[/color] [color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Gerard is cool, he's part of the astronomy club. I think he and I could be better friends, but I'm too afraid to try."[/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Everett[/color] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color][/h3][/sup][i]"An old friend of Janice's... way too painful there."[/i] [sup][h3][color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [color=cyan]Ali[/color][color=8dc73f]☮[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Ali's cool. She's in art with me and friends with Jay." [/i] [sup][h3][color=8dc73f]☮[/color][color=FFA07A]Moon[/color][color=8dc73f]☮[/color][/h3][/sup][i]"Moon is cool, she's friends with Jay. Mom doesn't mind her as much, which is hilarious considering her Wicca ways. I think that's neat." [/i] [sup][h3] [color=d3d3d3]☯[/color][color=B22222]Olivia[/color][color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"I don't Olivia very well, except she's friends with Grant. I've seen her around, she seems nice. I could see being on better terms with her, we just haven't made the effort, and that's what friendship is right?"[/i] [sup][h3][color=d3d3d3]☯[/color][color=00b3b3]Katalina[/color][color=d3d3d3]☯[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"I don't know much about Katalina. She seems nice though. Maybe in another world we would be better friends. At this point though we're just friendly. Talk sometimes and such, but we don't know much about each other."[/i] [sup][h3][color=f49ac2]⚤[/color][color=f49ac2]♥[/color][color=8dc73f]☮[/color][color=D79100]Austin[/color][color=8dc73f]☮[/color][color=f49ac2]♥[/color][color=f49ac2]⚤[/color][/h3][/sup][i]"Too cute. He's ridiculous too, but in a good way. He's always good for a laugh. He just makes me so happy <3"[/i] [sup][h3][color=8dc73f]♫[/color][color=884dff]Grant[/color][color=8dc73f]♫[/color][/h3][/sup][i]"Grant is my cousin. He's a friend too, he's the closest in age to me of all of the Wells kids. He's quite and I like that. Recently when we have "Teddis family" time, the two of us tend to stick together. I wish I could protect him more, he doesn't deserve what he's gotten."[/i]