[sup][h3] [color=ebcc78]F R A N C I S . C O L E M A N[/color] [/h3][/sup] His Dad's in jail and his mothery is gone, that tells you a lot. Sadly. He's a fighter to his core. Even of its something stupid. I really hope he doesn't try that with me. I'd hate to have to put him down. [sup][h3] [color=f09fb4]J A S O N . H U N T E R - D A R L I N G[/color] [/h3][/sup] Dude is cool. I never got around to talking to him but seems like the decent so rt. Pretty sure he's not a drug dealer like I've heard. [sup][h3] [color=1fc1f0]M A L C O L M . O K A D A[/color] [/h3][/sup] I've taken to calling him Oak. I can't remember ever get sideways with him. We've always seemed to have a good talk. We've chewed the fat a lot and always had a good time doing it. I know his pops really well. Hes had to patch me up or my one our clients more than I'd like to admit. [sup][h3] [color=32CD32]A S H T O N . B R Y A N T[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]He's alright, seems nice enough[/i] [sup][h3] [color=436EEE]S C O U T . P R E S L E Y[/color] [/h3][/sup] If what I've heard I'd true. Girls got it rough. Her parents are dead beats and she seems like she hates them. I can't blame her. Her friends say she's awesome. One thing I really hate about her, the way she looks at me. That I feel sorry for you look. I know there's no harm meant to but I don't need fuckin pity. Yeah it's been hard without my parents but I'm lonely and hurt, I'm broken yet. [sup][h3] [color=9e0b0f]R I C H A R D . K I N G[/color] [/h3][/sup] I hear the guy is a complete ass, but I've never had am issue with him. We hang out from time to time. He's always been cool with me. I know his mother pretty well, cause she's the mayor. She's fake, I don't care for her much but she makes life easier for me and my clients. There something about her that just rubs me the wrong way. [sup][h3] [color=d86c00]N I N A . J E L E N[/color] [/h3][/sup] [i]She'd be so much more if she tried.[/i]to Me and Nina have always gotten a long pretty well, the same could be said for me and her brother. When Nina isn't being nine kinds of shy and sitting in the corner shes awesome. I like her a lot, I can't really tell if she likes me or the bike the more. She wants one like mine but a Kawi. I know her family is having a hard time. I really want to help her out. She's a sweet girl and her brother isn't half bad either. I could offer them a job, it'd take a load off off me and Aunt Lou but what could they do? [sup][h3] [color=e62020]J A D E . T A Y L O R[/color] [/h3][/sup] I've never had an issue with her. Everyone says she does all this horrible stuff but I never had an issue with her. I have gotten to know her Uncle Charlie and I've ridden with him a little. I ain't hanging out with them too much but Charlie seems to be a half way decent guy [sup][h3] [color=8dc73f] ☮ [/color] [color=#81F7F3]G E R A R D . W E S T[/color] [color=8dc73f] ☮ [/color] [/h3][/sup][i]I punch him the face as often as possible. Its good time all around.[/i] Gerard is my favorite sparing partners. For everything that I am good at Gerard is just as good but in the opposite directions. My weaknesses are his strength and so on. Fights with him can go either way depending on... well anything but thats what makes so fun. Away from the gym I don't get to hang out with him as much as I would like. He seems really cool, I wouldn't have an issue calling him my friend. [sup][h3] ☯ [color=cd9575]T E S S A . G R A Y[/color] ☯ [/h3][/sup][i]"I haven't seen her in forever. I wonder how shes doing."[/i] I used to hangout her and her sister a lot. Her sister died not long before my parents. I hope she's doing alright. I should call her. [sup][h3] [color=f49ac2] A L I C E . M A L O N E[/color] [/h3][/sup][i]"Who...? Oh yeah, that girl. "[/i] I see her around plenty and hear good things about her. I just... I don't know why but I don't like her. She reminds me of someone, it's around the eyes. She makes me feel uncomfortable. I hear tell she likes flowers a lot. Momma did too. Olivia Johnson I love most things she hates. Which is a major pitty cause she's prettier than sin. She seems really nice but I never got to know her. We have pretty different interests so our paths don't cross as often as one would think. I've heard she's really shy, sounds adorable but hey. It is what it is. I've also heard she almost made the Olympic team out in Colorado. That's cool I guess. [hr] You know now that I think about... I don't have many friends... Or any close one for that matter.