[quote=@iotas] Colmaz was happy that Sssvalian seemed to be a reasonable fellow. Unfortunately, Colmaz was beginning to be a bit too trusting of the man in red. The alchemist wondered what he actually had to offer. "What if we -myself, and my two companions- complete a set number of tasks for you? Once our number is up, you trade us the blade. Would that be fair enough for you, or do you want to add something?" [/quote] "Or..." He said pausing. "You and your friends swear allegiance to me and I will give you Soulstealer, plus a few extra powers that will allow even you to battle. What do you say?" [quote=@BytheSpleen] Iosef wasn't particularly too distraught about the situation, since he was half expecting a complication like this. "Well, I don't agree with Fate on the issue of just getting things handed to me, so go ahead : take the blade while I still don't have it. Go on. First one wins a lordship, right? I don't need that..." [/quote] [@SimpleUnicycle] Upon hearing that, most of the mercenaries began to whisper around and stare at one another, ready to backstab each other at the mention of getting a lordship. The first to make a move was the massive man, Gorun, who smashed one of the men next to him. With that, everything erupted into chaos, many of the men starting to attack on another. Only the orc, the twin humans and female elf didn't go on a rampage and instead protected the human in front of them from any attacks. During the fight, a man was now charging towards Iosef, sword drawn and a crazed look on his face. [quote=@Delta44] [@Claw2k11] Maryvale's response to that was simple: just send the same amount of dark magic back. With a powerful slash from Dark Vibrance, she sends dark magic straight at Anna, on a collision course with her own light magic arrows. She wanted to give the others time to advance and make a move whilst she cancelled out Anna's attacks. Hopefully. [/quote] And the dark magic collided with the light arrows, truly giving them the rest to charge at Anna, however, before long, Lightspawn(think light elementals) appeared for each warrior present on the battlefield, thus canceling their numerical advantage. [@BlackPanther] The arrows hit him and because the arrows were energy arrows and not simple arrows, they hurt Knight quite a bit, however thanks to his thick scales, the damage they did was mostly superficial. The avian, using her skill and agility had managed to dodge the attacks, however, that meant that Anna's strikes kept her from attacking. "Dragon, please attract her attention, I have a strike that will definitely hurt her!" The avian said, loading three black arrows on her bow. The arrows emanated pure darkness, the opposite to what Anna was shooting.