[color=808080][h1][b]Fallion has fallen to ruin.[/b][/h1][/color] [hider=Darkwell] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/6ebd/i/2011/219/8/5/scary_town_by_peterconcept-d45tco0.jpg[/img] [/hider] The once great kingdom of man, expansive and prosperous to its own ends, has been thrown into turmoil at the hands of Viktra Blackeye, exulted necromancer. His hordes of the grey dead have ripped deep wounds through the lands with their undead claws and torn the many counties of Fallion asunder. The dark criminals, evil doers and creatures inhuman but humanoid have risen from these wounds like an infection. While man still stands, it stands upon a ledge. A ledge that narrows by the day, a sliver of hope that is slowly being eaten away, and blood drips from the lips of many. [hider=Viktra] [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/e08b/th/pre/i/2012/352/3/9/fantasy_commission____03_by_asfahani-d5oev0r.jpg[/img] [/hider] Orcs, trolls and bandits - to name but a few - stroll the lands as casually as bread merchants, taking what they will themselves to, pillaging a wrecking those that stray across their steadfast path of destruction. Green skins pour their blood and rage into the fire of war, like men they struggle against the grey tide. Trolls, as rare and giant as they are, slumber in the high hills and walk the thick forests in the light of day - hunting and ambushing, a tactic strange for such creatures. [hider=Troll] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/6f14/f/2014/103/9/6/forest_encounter_by_jonasjensenart-d7ebhe3.png[/img] [/hider] Bandits and criminals are an entirely more intricate and cloaked story, for these are those touched by evil. Corruption is rife in many societies, that of man being no exception, and they grow upon this and fill every orifice of lost cities and abandoned trails. Outlaws and gangs have become an internal corruption that the remains of man must cut away, before the minds of us all are brought to such barbarity. [hider=Bandit Ambush] [img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/cfbe/th/pre/i/2013/195/9/3/forest_ambush_by_vladgheneli-d6df8xy.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2][color=6ecff6]Do not lose hope.[/color][/h2] The Kingdom of Fallion and its people are strong, too many wars have been fought upon its soil for the running blood not to return to the hearts of those that live. Nothing could have ever torn them apart and yet unified them as the Grey Tide has. For five years men have fallen to those that fell before, five years of children screaming, of widows weeping and walls falling. Now those that remain are stronger, the tide is out but it has left immovable debris, impassable streams and impossible falls in its wake. The dead still linger, the creatures hunger, and the greed of men, as ever, lives on. Soon, a fire will burn, trails will be lit, and the filth will be nothing but ashes. Rise to your destinies, paint your own portrait in the history of Fallion! [hider=Infamous Burning Rose Woodsmen] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/23e3/f/2012/043/4/a/the_mercenary_by_svenjaliv-d32opkn.jpg[/img] [/hider] [h2][color=808080]For their are those who fight. Settlements guarded and boarded, men that still hold their lives dear. The dead will die again, and we will retake Fallion![/color][/h2] [hr] Welcome to the shit storm, please keep your arms and legs attached to your body at all times. [i] Character sheet skeleton:[/i] [b]Generic stuff[/b] (name age race) [b]Appearance.[/b] Please either describe or use a base image to write off. No anime or cartoon like images. [b]Description.[/b] Mannerisms, random info, equipment, personality. Feel free to use sub headings are extrapolate this skeleton onto a setup you would prefer. [b]Background.[/b] Leading up to the Grey tide and during. If your character is in a position that is rsre or unique, explain how and why this is so. [color=ed1c24]Open to questions[/color]