WIP Name: Captain Xeol Whitestem Age: 67 Race: Elf Appearance: [hider=Base Image] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/9ac4/i/2010/091/1/9/the_ranger_by_alishmcmalish.jpg[/img] [/hider] Xeol is of average height and build, with strangely small hands for his size. He has long grey blonde hair tied in a high ponytail and some stray strands occupy his forehead and cheeks. His eyes are blue and his complexion soft. He often wears barkweave armour or a linked garb, a wooden snake crown is also common upon his head. His right ear is pierced twice with gold loops and his left once with a hanging silver leaf. Description: Xeol is captain of the northern front, he holds the border with Fallion with his men, and has done for 17 years. He is fast tempered and fast thinking, an asset that has led to a reputation for vicious efficiency He gets a nervous twitch in his right pinky when he gets angry, he is an expert tracker and duelist as well a minor spellborn, granting him some weak magical abilities. Background: Xeol comes from the northern states, the snow topped peaks and iced pines are is home. His father was a royal guard in the 7th age, his mother a council member. The whitestems are known for magical abilities, although Xeol was never sent to the Elder Lake for any kind of training. He stepped his way slowly up the Elven ranks until he found himself being offered the leadership of the third sheild. Such a large responsibility was not for Xeol, who preferred the subtler aspects of war. Instead he opted to become the Captain of the north, protector of the wall. He used to stop travellers and merchants at the high gates, but now all he does is shoot down the dead and occasionally give refuge to fleeing humans.