The pounding in her head grew and ebbed with the creaks and groans of the ship's hull. A shower of sparks drew Layette into consciousness and she blinked several times, holding her head. She took her hand from her head and pushed her glasses back up her face, noting the smear of blood on her hand she checked her head once more. She felt a small gash where her forehad had hit the console moments earlier. It was shallow, not a terrible wound; the risk of a concussion would be more severe. Gathering her thoughts, she pulled herself to her feet, leaning heavily on the console as she took in her surroundings. The bridge was mostly in ruins. Shattered terminal screens lined the walls and the bodies of the crew who had been on the bridge lay strewn haphazardly like macabre ragdolls. Some of them seemed to be moving slightly and across the room she could see the captain at his terminal calling for a medic. "CMO Macintyre, sir! I'll attend to the wounded." She called to Yay. "What happened?" She retrieved her standard issue medkit from her belt, it wasn't much, but if with some dumb luck there was nobody else more badly injured than she was it would suffice.