Name: Weurg Stonefoot Age:26 Race: Mountain Orc Appearance: [hider=Base Image] [img][/img] [/hider] Weurg is a behemoth among his race, occasionally mocked by other Orcs for his troll-like stature and slow way of speaking. Behind his lumbering ways, however, is an intelligent and cunning leader. This cunning can be seen in the green tint of his eyes, in the slight grovelling smirk he wears in war and in the slow methodical way he pushes his greasy brown locks from his face before ripping the flesh from a fresh kill. He has abnormally large feet, which he boasts are stronger than black rock, feet he frequently uses to crush the skulls of his enemies. Aside from these technicalities Weurg appears to be an Orc, only a few heads taller. Description: The leader of the third largest Orc pack in Fallion, Weurg is a blood thirsty creature that preys on human convoys and towns plus the occasional bandit camp. He occasionally rides atop a red wolf, if not you will hear his thudding steps before you see him. Not much else can be said about him, aside from the fact that he is set in his ways. Set like stone. Background: Like all mountain Orcs, Weurg was born into the cold and bloody slopes of the Northern Ridges, forced to fight for life and future. His parents and siblings dead to the Grey Tide as it moved across Fallion and inevitably the Orcish territory too, he himself tool to the comparably luxurious woods of the human lands. There he found other Orcs, and through might and hidden brains, he has risen in power. He holds his own Orc fort in the northern forests, Stonehide. Heavy fortified and populated, it is not wise to approach its black walls.