Derek felt like he had been at a very bad barfight. The kind that ends up with you and your pals getting beaten up and thrown into a dumpster. Derek wished that was what actually happend. However the reallity was a bit more grim to say the least. He awoke on the cold and hard floor of the brige his head pounding with a horrible Headache. He could smell the fresh blood spilling of dead or soon to be dead. His eyes then started to get used to the dimly lit room. And he could see the destruction that had taken place. Consols destroyed or barely operational. Crew members rolling around in there own blood. And Derek could swear he smelled a hint of piss. Some of the crew members where just sitting there staring into nothing. As if there souls had been sucked out. The reallity was that they where in shock. Derek the slowly started to stand up feeling for any broken bones. Which, to his good luck where none. Thats when he started to itch his. Nose wich seemed to be a Big mistake. It seems that his nose had been broken. He cursed in fruatration as he made his way over to where the captain was normally located. He was saddend to find the remains of where the cap once stood. He then heard the second in command. Who had apparently survived. He asked if there was anyone with medical skill. So Derek responded and and said with a sad smile on his face." In all respect sir. It would be betyer if we just put the worst wounded out of there misery." He hated saying that but it was the sad reality of it.