Sif "Regu" Artii had been having an eventful day. She had been roused from her sleep as the only available MP unit in order to respond to a crewman making threats and waving around a hand grenade in a corridor. Sif had to admit, it had been fun ordering anxious corporals (who were actually above her in rank) to hold back. In that kind of a situation, as an MP, she had the authority to do so. Then again, it came with the disadvantage of one of the corporals getting fussy at her until he was held back by others. Immediately after the situation had been sorted, she had to deal with a second occurrence of two men having a fight in their cabin, and the filling out of a form afterwards of why exactly she had pulled her 9mm on one of the men. Sure, he was holding a metal lamp over his head as a crude weapon, but it still meant paperwork. Not that much, though. After that she finally had time to herself. Now, however, was the best part of the day. It was always fun to go up to the bridge, but at the same time, it also meant she had to do something there, and do it as professional as possible, since there were people up there that had the authority to just sit her in the airlock and let her fly into the milky void of space. Once there, Sif had spotted the person that she had to detain, and had done so swiftly, as there was a battle on outside and there was no time for dilly-dallying. That was when it happened. Just as Sif grabbed onto a railing, she was tugged by great strength to a hole that had formed before it was sealed up, her grip thankfully keeping her in place. The person she was escorting, however, had been taken out entirely. Sif, however, even though she was left there, she was completely deprived of oxygen, and began to pant rapidly, trying to get air into her body. A few tears ran down her face as her chest rose and fell. Once she had regained oxygen levels, and in return gained a headache, she stands up and wanders around aimlessly, her sidearm drawn, her breathing heavy. After a few more steps, she opens her mouth to call out, however upon speaking the simple word of "I'm", she stumbled and fell forward onto the ground, suffering from minor asphyxiation. "I'm... Okay..." She breathes out, even though she looked worse for wear.