[i]The version listed here is not from RWBY, but is my RWBY variant of the character being transferred over to another genre.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Sky Sapphire [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5ft 8 in | 173 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 160 lbs | 73 kg [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Huntsman [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img]http://i1324.photobucket.com/albums/u613/pokemonjourneys/Enduring%20Memories/888a71e5-7250-4329-b324-9d5ab106cce7_zpst8ryiihm.png[/img][/center] [b]Weapons:[/b] Sky’s sword is affectionately called Diamond Wing, even though that is based on the design of the hilt and not the actual blade. In the center of the weapon’s base there are gears, protected inside the casing of what gives Diamond Wing it’s name. These allow for the sword to take one of three different forms. Its’ inactive mode keeps the sword short, so that it is more manageable and less clumsy in carrying around. Using the gears it expands into its large greatsword form, where the bottom of the hilt would be at chest level if the tip of the sword was on the ground. It's also as wide as Sky's chest, and inches deep on its non bladed end. The last form is where the blade is thrown down into the ground to expose a small cannon, which shoots explosive rounds. The kickback from this weapon can be used to aid in a sort of flight, which is why the blade goes into the ground to absorb shock, though this flight is difficult to control. Also it is noted that this is for short distances, not like flying city to city. (Sword in the picture is not the one used here, though its hilt is the same it’s from a different verse just don’t have an example of what it would look like outside the following of Qrow’s weapon from RWBY. It is not a greatsword, but shows the premise of what I'm describing. [url]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/b/be/Vol3op_34.png/revision/latest?cb=20151016023019[/url] [url]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/2/23/Qrow_Weapon_Sword.png[/url] [url]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/2/2b/V3_03_00046.png[/url]) [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [u]Swordsman:[/u] Though able to throw punches and kicks, as well as a few grapples Sky is very much dependant on his swordsmanship and marksmanship in a fight. The most skilled in his class, he's proven able to pass the Teams and Doubles rounds to reach the singles competition of the continent's annual tournament though he is yet to be victorious there for his academy. His blows are quick and precise, especially for a weapon of its size, though he tends to be defensive in his fighting style, preferring to leave himself open as little as possible and counterattack as opposed to an all out assault. [u]Marksman:[/u] Due to ranged combat being mandatory due to the monsters inhabiting his homeland, he's become very adept with guns and cannons. He's able to precisely attack moving targets, his accuracy coming from shooting at the small flying creatures known to attack those who wander too far away from one of the cities or academies. He is deadly accurate within 300 meters. [u]Aura:[/u] This is our spirit, every living thing has it. He can use it to accomplish his semblance, as well as block very minor blows (like a branch snapping back from being pushed) and heal minor cuts or scrapes. [u]Semblance:[/u] Every person's semblance is different, and Sky is no different. His ability is to be able to phase, allowing him to make himself temporarily invulnerable to attack. He can only do this in short bursts of five to ten seconds, and only a handful of times during a fight. Over time he may be able to use it to go through doors and for longer periods of time, but that will take much more training than he's endured so far. [b]Overview:[/b] Hailing from another continent, Sky has finished his first year at his academy which teaches people how to become warriors. He's wanted to do this ever since he was a kid, because he wants to be able to protect people from the monsters and villains of the world. Though the blond knows that the idea of a hero he had as a kid is very romanticized and not how things truly are, it doesn't stop him from wanting to use his skill and strength for good. Growing up with an abusive sibling who is now at another academy, with divorced parents, things were tough for him but he's made it through that with his schooling and training. Though he is shy and quiet, he loves being around friends though large crowds make him nervous. With his first year over, he's left to another continent to find something to do with his life while waiting for the next year to begin. His partner went home, and he doesn't want to return to his which is why he is here.