[hider=Jack Silver] Name: Jack Silver Age: 65 Gender: Male Appearance: An old man with a grizzled beard stands before you. He stands up straight at about 5'10, but he is not intimidating. He is quite obviously past his prime, but there is still strength of mind behind his blue eyes. Jack isn't muscular, but he's in fair shape for an old man. His face is scarred, but the wrinkles mostly obscure the bad marks. Clothing: Jack wears a woolly trench coat and carries a bulging satchel and a cane. A couple buttons are missing from the coat, but it keeps warm enough. He's got black boots on, laced up to his mid-calves. Weapons/Belongings: Jack carries a cane and a satchel. Inside the satchel are various personal affects, notably a multi-tool, a small saw, some first aid supplies, a blanket, a dark red hat, a pair of worn gloves, and a bottle of pills. Magic (if any): While not magically gifted himself, Jack has been several places in the world and has encountered many who mages. Personality: Jack will happily chat up a stranger about the weather, though if his companions are interested, he'll regale them with tales of his time spent in the military. Since he retired, he's been traveling throughout the civilized world, going and living wherever he met amicable people. Jack's a hard worker and it takes a lot to get him worked up, though his ex-wife is a touchy subject. Short History: Jack grew up in the south in sleepy, unremarkable town. When he came of age, he kissed his mother goodbye and joined the military. After serving for almost a decade, he settled down in a town a few months travel north of his home. He married a young woman named Sylvia, and life was good. However, when she gave birth to a child that couldn't possibly be his, he rejoined the military to try to find new meaning. With another two decades of his life lazily thrown into a peace-time military, Jack accumulated enough money to travel. Upon reaching 40, Jack retired once again and slowly worked his way north, making friends and meeting people. Now, nearing the end of his time, he decided that it was time for one last adventure to a place Beyond the Boundary. [/hider]