[hider=Cia Putin] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3b/55/66/3b5566eeddaf4ce10a0d9f347d264079.jpg[/img] [h3]Two Faced Psycho [/h3][/center] [b]Full name[/b] [indent]Cia Putin[/indent] [b]Age.[/b] [indent]20[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Physical appearance[/b] [indent]Cia is very young looking. Although she looks slender she is actually quite strong. She is normally seen wearing a rather frilly black dress. Though within she prison she wore nothing but regular prison cloths. Cia believes that as long as she is pretty enough anyone would like her therefore she tries to keep herself as pretty as she can. [hider=Refrence pic] [img]http://img05.deviantart.net/1051/i/2014/147/b/a/_render__45__mayu_yandere_2_0_by_naruticka-d7k0p6d.png [/img] [/hider] [/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Cia is a frightening young girl. On the surface she is extremely kind and well-mannered. However once someone get to know her they will find out just how twisted the girl is. Cia is a bit more than just a psychopath, she is both a sadist and a masochist. In a fight she becomes something else, often torturing her victims before she kills them. Sometimes she will even hurt herself in the process.[/indent] [b]Biography/Background history[/b] [indent]Cia was born an average family. However both her parents and brother died in a car crash when she was only ten. Cia was in that same car crash and had miraculously survived without a scratch. It is believed that this is when her powers first awakened along with her twisted personality. Cia had no other relatives so she was sent into foster care. For the most part she lived quietly in her foster homes. Around the age of 14 she fell in love with a boy, so much so that she stalked him for weeks before she asked him to go out with her. Their relationship was pretty stable it seemed until he cheated on her. At that point Cia completely lost it and cut off the poor boys head with a butcher knife. The police found her alone in an abandoned house later with the boys severed head in her lap. After a rather difficult fight she was finally brought down and sentenced to life in prison.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b] [indent]Cia has telekinesis. She can life objects up to the size of a small boulder and hurl them at people. Cia can also control some mechanical vehicles if she is within them. However this is simply with the use of controlling the steering wheel, and sometimes the breaks. Cia can also crush objects so long as she is touching it. She has the ability to float as well though she can only do this for a limited time as it is difficult to move a living being. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses[/b] [indent]Cia’s powers don’t work on anything made of lead. If her head is surrounded by Lead then she can’t use any of her powers.[/indent] [b]Miscellaneous information[/b] [indent]Cia can’t bear to harm an animal but has no quarrels with killing a person.[/indent] [/hider]