Is this open for those you didn't mention? Either way, I got ahead of myself and started xD [hider=My Duty is never Done!][center] [h1][color=DarkRed][i]The Cursed Warrior[/i][/color][/h1] [hider=Resurrection After Death isn't pretty] [img][/img][/hider] [/center] [color=LightCyan] [h3][color=IndianRed]N A M E / A L I A S[/color][/h3] [i]Éamon Ó Briain[/i] [color=DarkGray][i]The Valiant Defender[/i][/color] | [color=DarkGray][i]The Cursed Warrior[/i][/color] | [color=DarkGray][i]The Protector of Death[/i][/color] [h3][color=IndianRed]M Y T H O L O G Y[/color][/h3] [i]The tale of Eamon was a simple tale, that through the passing of time has been told sometimes as a children's tale. As it would begin with the birth of a wonderful baby boy whose parents would come to name their child Eamon, born long ago in a kingdom has disappeared through the sands of time. But unfortunately, they were only simple folks and those dreams on living in a castle would never come true and accepted the harsh fact as their every day life. Despite their positions in life, they still raised their son Eamon as the best they could provide and continued at their attempts to bring more children into the family but the attempts were futile with only Eamon to be their only child. With their baby boy growing, they could not be proud as they watched him become a handsome young man who helped around with his father's job and his mother's chores when he had the time. They watch him as he was turning into a reliable and young man who was surprisingly mature for his age, and worked hard until one day everything washed down the drain. His family knew about their situation but failed to stop it as they fell into debt after the loss of his father's job and inability to obtain a new one. Before long, they soon were taken in and thrown into jail for not paying their taxes that were collected every month for living in their kingdom. Leaving Eamon to fend for himself in the world, he promised himself that he would free his mother and father from their imprisonment and joined the army at the young age of 14. While he lacked experienced his body was already toned and athletic on top of his willingness to learn and youth as he has the entirety of his life still ahead of him. He over the years often visited his family as he was still in the army, collecting money that he earned from the army and at the age of 16 he paid the fees that were owed. Setting his family free he technically had no reason to stay in the army anymore but made the excuse of providing for his family until they could get back on their own feet which was quite plausible. In reality, Eamon loved the trill of battle and was learning quickly in the art of being a warrior honing his instincts and body to become accustomed to it. From there Eamon grew into a talented warrior of the kingdom, and by the age of 18 he had already begun to being second to none in terms of pure skill with the spear and could hold off against his senior knights. His talent was known through the Festival of Arms which was a event in the kingdom where the royal family and the army would rejoice and have a tournament to determine who was the strongest competitor. As Eamon, easily defeated his peers and teammates before the tournament was grated down to the senior knights who were participating and Eamon himself, being the youngest competitor in the tournament still in the event. The tournament continued until 4 competitors were left, which included Eamon and three other senior knights before the 4 were thrown into a free-for-all leaving the 4 warriors to fight against each other in the effort to show who was the most skilled. The most obvious solution for the competitors was to unfairly team up against the 'weakest' competitor which was presumed to be Eamon who was the youngest but perhaps the reason for teaming up against Eamon was perhaps he was truly strong enough to intimidate his opponents. But besides that, it was a widely accepted tactic for the tournament to show the 4th competitor's skill before they were usually taken down, as the two knights charged at him from his left and right side. Taking on both of her senior knights, he defended himself blocking both of their swords near simultaneously, deftly keeping his defense tight and strong wasting nothing as he slowly but surely pushed them back. Surprising his seniors from his young blossoming skill, he continued to push them back intimidating him with his tenacity on holding the two of them at bay and even pushing them back. Distracted with his two opponents in front of him, he turned against the third senior knight, who came from behind him and managed to hold off all three knights for the moment. However he knew that defending himself would get him nowhere, before disengaging using his flexibility and agility to escape the situation to outside the triangle. Escaping from the three man attack, Eamon quickly dispatched the knight closest to him before tripping up the second with his spear and fighting the third straight on. Ending the tournament in ablaze with Eamon as the winner. After the surprising victory of Eamon, the King awarded their newest and youngest victor with something worthy and meaningful for his valiant effort. Giving him the spear Gáe Dearg, a crimson spear enchanted with magic but its ability was unknown as none where capable of wielding it with enough skill to truly use it. Also another gift to offer Eamon they wished for him the privilege to marry their daughter, and so he did. His Captain was espically proud of Eamon, who cared and trained the young victor since he was young and too left him a gift of congratulations. His captain's gift was in the from of another spear Gáe Buidhe, a golden spear that was too enchanted with magic but similarly his captain was given the spear as he was once a victor as well but was unable to wield it and did not want to shamefully use such a beautiful weapon in experienced hands. Life after the tournament was well, and both the royal family was proud to see who wed their daughter, while Eamon's family were proud for their son to reaching new heights they thought were impossible. Thus, is where the children's tale if there was ever any to end. Historical texts specifically recording the legend of the tournament fighter Eamon, knew about the fate of that kingdom for no Colosseum of great size would leave some sign of its construction even if it was long, long ago. It is said that the kingdom which Eamon lived in was thrown into war shortly after, disrupting the tournament fighter's peaceful life. Forcing him to once again as a sense of duty to help protect the kingdom and fight so he could protect both of their families. Eamon was never a tragedy in war, historian can say for a fact as several entries state that the young warrior who was the age of 20 at the time was an intimidating opponent and ally. His speed and agility was incomparable to the rest of the army, as blurred colors of red and yellow spears danced across the battle field quickly ending the lives of the invading force. The red spear of Gáe Buidhe was said to wound the opponents and bled them until they died as magical healing could not restore the wounds from the spear for it removed cause and left only effect. Leaving his opponents considered at full health while having the wounds of the Yellow Spear of Morality making healing magic ineffective on the wounds. While the crimson spear of Gáe Dearg pierced through the magic of those who used them capable of severing any projection with magical energy, capable of piercing through enchantments and barriers. Forcing his opponents to defend only by their own physical means, allowing him to pierce through anything magical rendering them ineffective. The dance of Red and Yellow was a beautiful sight, but deadly as Eamon slew who dared proceeded further to their kingdom as he was unbeatable by mere men who were either drafted or care little about their training. But inevitably the opposing army pressed Eamon back as the forces were simply too much in numbers which overwhelmed the rest of the forces. Defending the gates by himself, he slowly was pushed back by the numbers but with each step he took dozens more were slain. This process continued to an entire day, with bodies littered in a path slowly leading to the castle walls which Eamon's focus and resolve still strong and sturdy as he willed himself to fight on despite his fatigue. Then it come again as anther day with relentless troops thrown at Eamon, and he too was forced back once more slaying more people for every step he took back until he bumped his back against the walls of the castle. Fearing the result of what happen if he let the forces through he too continued to fight with fatigue and stress clouding his mind, he used his bare instincts to keep himself alive and managed to survive the day but his impenetrable defense with the use of his two spears of Red and Yellow was broken. The 2nd night of the war, Eamon was given some rest as the hordes of soldiers were going to be saved for the next day most presumably. So, Eamon wondered through the castle until his wife found him bloodied and worn who she tended to the next few hours before it would start all over again. Escape was futile when the walls of the kingdom were surrounded by enemy forces, the only thing he could hope for was to outlast them. Promising his love that she'll be safe, Eamon left once more at the notice of a scout and went towards the gates once more. Wounds and Fatigue still plagued the talented spear man but he did not waver nor show his weakness for he had something to protect and he will defend it with all his might even if it included taking his own life. At the end of the day, the wounds were deeper and plentiful, the creeping chains of exhaustion dragging him down and the aches of his body surpassing its limits everyday burned him. It was obvious they were doomed the next day, but still Eamon denied the outrageous end that they might received in bitter tears before he went to guard the gates once more. The fourth and final day, Eamon simply could not do it, as upon noon his two spears of crimson and gold pierced the earth as he glared menacingly at the enemies, before long darkness overtook him. Four Days he had lasted, wasn't it enough? Wasn't it his best effort to save those that he loved? Simply the answers to the question was No. Gripping the two spears in his hands, he wielded the two spears as they glowed a menacing light as redish marking appeared on Eamon. They were the glowing color of dead autumn leaves which was the colors of the two spears as it signaled the cycle of death to soon come as winter will freeze cover soon the beautiful colors of red and yellow. But after winter, the dead colors of red and yellow would bring birth to the colors of life which is something that Eamon could not do. All he could do was paved the road that was required for that path and so he continued his duty to struggle against the masses of enemies. Death will have to wait for Eamon's as his hourglass was broken, the sands of time began to flow out as he was burning his soul and passion to live longer for this moment. Wielding his spears with pure intent of killing them, this was the events of the 4th day where the opposing army left for they discarded 4 days worth of men trying to invade a small kingdom but what they lost was far greater, or so they thought. Not wishing his love to see what he had done to himself, he quickly wrote a note to her to see and gave a simple knock at her door before he disappeared. The Autumn Marking glowed dully at the sign of the end of the season and with his two spears, he disappeared in the wind as Death greeted him. He was awed at 'her' figure which she choose to be a woman, for her name was simply Death. She never made it clear whether she was a god or merely a concept that humanity created. Either way, Eamon smiled to her as she would be his companion and he would be hers for the Spear of Mortality and Exorcism would be united by is master and its creator. What is presumed afterward of the soul of Eamon is that Death had made the spear man's soul as her companion for sacrificing his own potential, as he saved the lives of those whose worth was inferior to the spear man. The last part while seemingly ambiguous it was the report of Eamon's wife which gives this ending some truth or perhaps it was her own delusion, we may never know. Reports over the centuries have claimed a man who wields spears the same color of Crimson Roses and Golden Yellow flowers have been spotted in populated places where undead gather and necromancer been known to have gathered. His presence has rid the area of undead and whoever was causing the disturbance, but the identity of whoever cleansed the areas have never been recorded nor identified besides the colors of the spears. The only evidence of the legendary spears being seen are the bones and dead body of the necromancer who lay defeated in the appearance of them.[/i] [h3][color=IndianRed]A P P E A R A N C E[/color][/h3] The appearance of Eamon was quite accurate, as he was described as a noble looking man and even as a body when born made his parents doubt themselves that he was really their baby. For when he grew up his features were fine and was generally considered handsome by the women most of the time. Dark black hair and having a hard cut mouth marks him and gives a stoic air around him. Having a real pleasant smell around him if you were to approach him and simply stand next to him as well. But after the death of Eamon, his appearance tremendously changed as after death his dark black hair was turned into a uneasy gray. While his eyes turned silent and emotionless hiding whatever he was feeling underneath him, giving him again a stoic air around him like before but more uneasily and eerie than before. Having the Mark of Autumn tattooed onto him, it appears on the entirety of his body and even his clothes that he wears as like decorated blood stains. In generally, you get an uncomfortable feeling from Eamon but you feel strangely comfortable next to him or behind him if not intimidated beforehand by his appearance. [h3][color=IndianRed]A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T[/color][/h3] [i]The two gifted spears of Autumn are Gáe Buidhe: Yellow Rose of Mortality and Gáe Dearg: Crimson Rose of Exorcism they are both created by the entity known as Death. Whether she is an god or something entirely else, no one really knows but it is presumed that she is an higher entity on a similar level of Gods. The Yellow Rose of Mortality or Gáe Buidhe, is clearly expanded in its myth as it has the ability to inflict wounds incapable of being healed, for it leaves the effect and removes the cause. This principle can be explained as healing magic would heal whatever 'caused' the wounds, while the wounds themselves would be the 'effect'. It is a simple form of time magic if you wish to call it as that, as it removes whatever attack was used to do the infliction of the wound and simply leaves the wounds there. If higher magic is used to entirely remove the 'effect' entirely making it simply disappear from time then that too is a possible way to reverse the curse. In more scientific terms, the body registers the wounds as being already part of the body, since the infliction of the wound never happens it perceives the wound as something already there with nothing bad to signal the body to do anything. The curse of Gáe Buidhe is capable of being dispelled by destroying the spear itself, reverting the effects and healing its victims to full health when done so. The Crimson Rose of Exorcism, or also known as Gáe Dearg on the other hand, is the lesser known spear that was never fully used in the battle with Eamon but it is said that the Crimson Spear is capable of piercing through magical projections and sever them making magical enchantments and barriers break down in the most simplest of terms. However, it should be known that crimson spear in incapable of breaking down complete magic such as magically binding contracts in the past or curses already inflicted on poor souls but can suppress their effects with the tip of Gáe Dearg. [hr] Eamon during the last few hours of his life was granted a special tattoo called 'The Mark of Autumn' which spread throughout his body as he burned his soul for more energy. Its latent powers still remain as it gives Eamon increased stamina, strength and speed but its true use will never be capable of being used. As Eamon's soul is something not even a god can repair once shredded for to repair and replicate the original soul of such a person with power like Eamon, would require more power and time than the God resurrecting him had time to do so. If the mark should be used, it presumed that Eamon would be disintegrated immediately for the amount of his soul he still has left in him is insignificant. Outside of our hero's armaments, Eamon was known to be a skilled combatant and wasn't afraid to use dirty underhand tactics when needed. Being a youthful and young soul in his prime around the age of 20, his body was at its peak where he obtained speed and agility that was at the peak of human potential but after death it went beyond the peak of human capability being faster than any human capable of being. While his endurance and tenacity was also a noticeable trait from his legend, that he was capable of defending a castle for 4 days before finally stumbling into the arms of death. But not before making a last-ditch effort into defending what he treasured making him quite willful to defy and even amuse Death herself to giving the Spearman a chance. The least noticeable ability was his strength which may have been lacking in flashy example, but he was still capable of wielding two spears of different length and fight using both of them without problem while still being deadly. Capable of blocking two swords of older and stronger men whose stature were bigger than him it also is an example of his seemingly unnoticeable strength which is outshined by his agility making his attacks look weak. His prowess and experience as a warrior is also noticeable when he was capable of defending his two senior knights and was capable of pushing them back before finally holding against three knights on his own. Knowing that he would be defeated if he simply defended, he used his smarts to distrupt the flow of battle and take them all down individually. Also in the battle to defend the castle, he is also shown to be capable of taking out multiple opponents and never wasting a single action for every step he takes he makes sure something worthy comes out of it. Showing that Eamon was an expierence warrior, capable of observing the flow of battle and leading to the most suitable outcome possible. [hr] While not part of his legend, under the teaching of Death herself who pity the warrior for his potential being wasted decided to train the young man to be her companion and guardian. Training Eamon to fight necromancers basically who disturbed the naturally flow of life, he was taught the basics of magic and how to detect the most noticeable signs of magic being used beside it being fired at you. Learning much more about runic magic and its capabilities, Death pleasantly taught him so that her trusty knight wouldn't so easily be destroyed when she sent him out. Being a very capable Runic Mage, using his latent magical prowess and knowledge to create clever chains of runes to create interesting effects. All this training Death done was for making Eamon her executioner for the souls of the dead who suffer from those who are living and manipulating them, however, he only is sent out when an undead problem gets too serious otherwise it is left alone. It was a mutial relationship, where he learned and in exchanged tested it out by serving Death.[/i] [h3][color=IndianRed]A G E O F L E G E N D[/color][/h3] 46, 000 Years[/color][/hider]