[quote=@Mr Allen J] I guess Shizuka could be at the Candy Club with Cindy or where ever. Otherwise, Cindy's going to be at her apartment. [/quote] Unless there's something major that might happen in the Club (like there's an event or something that would gather loads of people together in once place, I dunno), otherwise I think I'll just briefly skim through Shizu's experience working in the club (I'll ask you through Skype, easier that way) and move on to a subplot I'm planning at the moment. [quote=@Mr Allen J] Hm... She has a Honda 2007 Metropolitan Scooter. Which, after a little scouting, costs like a two thousand dollars rounded up (Compared to the newer models, it isn't [i]that[/i] expensive). Though, she could have always got that shit off Craig's list for waaaaay cheaper. [/quote] She probably still expects him to pay the full sum of two grands even though she can get it at a much lower price than that, I bet. [quote=@Mr Allen J] I thought about it, and dunno. I think with all the freaky deaky shit going on in Verthaven, it wouldn't really make too much sense to go. I know Cindy's not going no matter what. [/quote] S'alright. We can leave that little teen dare adventure for another time. Well, Haruka is definitely with Cindy about that too.