[center] [h2][color=#ad87bf]Brotherhood of Breakers[/color][/h2] [img]http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c141/ginryu15/AnimeWarriorSword.jpg[/img] [color=#ad87bf]Display Name:[/color] Ryatos [color=#ad87bf]Ephithet:[/color] Jack Knife Hellion [color=#ad87bf]Age:[/color] 17 [color=#ad87bf]RP Speech Color:[/color] [color=#ad87bf]"FOR THE BROTHERHOOD!"[/color] [color=#ad87bf]Description:[/color] Ryatos usually wears her normal attire of silver and white armor with a black sweatshirt and thick boots, which she uses to stabilize herself. Her hair is cut short to avoid it from getting in her way when swinging her weapons. She has a boyish frame not including her... *Ahem* Assets which thanks to the game mechanics don't get in the way of battle. While in battle or out and about Ryatos prefers to pull her turtle neck up over her mouth and nose in order to disguise herself aginst those who would want to lash out at her for being a [b]Breaker[/b]. Those who see her usually say she has a blank yet serious look in her eyes when she fights as though she is not paying attention to anything but the enemies and her allies. [color=#ad87bf]Weapon(s):[/color] The sword in the appearance picture [img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Ma13563cbad83f69b86a9f45e14c0fce7o0&pid=15.1[/img] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/b078/f/2010/271/a/5/crystal_epee_sword_by_felipe_olguera_jr-d2zp88w.jpg[/img] [color=#ad87bf]Skill Slots:[/color] One hand greatsword: Allows her to be able to wield her greatswords in one hand while using a dagger or something else of the sort in the other hand Ultra Greatswords: Needed to be able to use her second sub weapon which is bigger than both her other weapons Greatswords: An absolute must for her to fight Combat Healing: Needed for fighting as a tank Martial Arts: gives her reason to use gauntlets as weapons. [color=#ad87bf]Breaker:[/color] [b]Faux True Defense[/b]- Thanks to a glitch in her inventory Ryatos cannot equip anything counted as a "Shield" item but this also boosted her natural defense. This Breaker Ability has also pushed the damage reduction of all her weapons, whether it be a bow or a dagger, to 100% percent meaning she can block anything with only her weapon. The draw back of this is that the boost in damage reduction does not work on mini-bosses and in PvP matches. Her breaker ability also almost triples the durability of her equipment. [/center]