After rebooting Martyn rose to a seated position and ran a self-diagnostic. He'd found very little damaged with himself, he wasn't that close to the actual point of impact and his metal-plated body was decidedly better at stopping the flying pieces of debris and shrapnel than the rest of the human crew. The few repairs he would need could be performed later. While a full report was compiled and stored he called out a summarized status immediately, the full report could be requested by the ship's engineers or officers. "Unit operational. Minor damage" With that Martyn stood up, lights activating on his head to help illuminate the bridge. The light swept across the room as Martyn scanned it to find the lifesigns of the remaining crew, Locating several survivors. He began trying to reestablish a connection with the ship's mainframe as he moved to help a pinned crewmember. Once the crewmember was free he left him for the medic to take care of and looked to to see what systems would need repairing and which were beyond repair.