[hider=Tatiana Korvo] [hr][hr][center][color=a187be][h1]Tatiana Korvo[/h1][/color] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/9c90/i/2009/334/e/9/fire__by_mumbojumbo89.jpg[/img] [i]“I beg you take courage; the brave soul can mend even disaster.”[/i] -[b][i]Catherine the Great[/i][/b][hr][hr][/center][center][color=a187be][h1][u]T H E B A S I C S [/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=a187be]|[b]{Name}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Tatiana Lobov Korvo[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Nickname}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Solovey – Meaning Nightingale, a nickname given to her as a child by a local poet that said she was his ultimate inspiration.[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Birth Date}[/b]|[/color] [indent]October 31, 1989[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Age}[/b]|[/color] [indent]26[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Gender}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Sexuality}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Bi-Sexual[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Sexually Active}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Depends on the day.[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Relationship Status}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Occupation}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Tattoo Artist[/indent][hr][hr][center][color=a187be][h1][u]A P P E A R A N C E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=a187be]|[b]{In Depth Appearance}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Tatiana stands at around 5’4” in height and is beyond thin, seemingly undernourished in her appearance at times even though she is very athletic and strong for her size. Her pale skin seems to bring out the lines of bones and the brightness of her emerald eyes. She has naturally brown hair but she keeps it either bleached blonde or dyed vibrant red. The cut of her hair varies, one year it may be down her back, the next she will show up with it all cut off in a pixie cut. One never knows. Currently it is just passed her shoulders, layered and crimson in color. [/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Clothing Style}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Tatiana tends to wear an odd cross of 50’s rocker and bohemian. Worn jeans, spike heeled boots, corsets one minute; the next she will be in a flowing skirt you would think a flower child of the 70’s would wear with far too many layers of tank tops and t-shirts over it. Whatever strikes her fancy at the moment. With the colder weather she will usually be seen loose sweaters with wide open neck lines, soft leggings and the ugliest uggs she can get ahold of, as well as a fur lined trapper hat.[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Scars, Tattoos, Piercings}[/b]|[/color] [indent]For a tattoo artist one may think she is covered head to toe in ink but she only has one piece to date but it is a large piece that took years to have completed. Spanning the width of her shoulders is a single nightingale that is flying over a decaying city; the tattoo itself looks like it would be seen on an ink blot test.[/indent][hr][hr][center][color=a187be][h1][u]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=a187be]|[b]{Likes & Dislikes}[/b]|[/color] [indent][color=008800]✔[/color]Nightingales [color=008800]✔[/color]Coffee [color=008800]✔[/color]Symphonic Metal [color=008800]✔[/color]Traveling [color=008800]✔[/color]B-Rated Movies [color=008800]✔[/color]Cheesy Romance Novels [color=008800]✔[/color]Rorschach Inspired Art [color=008800]✔[/color]Tattoos [color=008800]✔[/color]Ballet [color=008800]✔[/color]Smoking [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Drunks [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Running Into Ex’s [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Judgmental People [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Losing Inspiration [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Being Interrupted [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Know-It-Alls [color=FF0000]✘[/color]Vodka[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Hobbies}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Tatiana spends much of her free time walking, drawing or reading. Much of the time during her travels she will wander off without a word with a sketch pad or book in hand and just start wandering aimlessly until she finds a place that suits how she feels. There she will get comfortable and start drawing or reading for hours on end. Much of the time you can find her perched in the oddest of places to get a better vantage point of her surroundings. (Tops of mausoleums, in trees, the rafters of decaying buildings, and so forth for example.) [/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Habits}[/b]|[/color] [indent]*Smokes – She doesn’t care if some people find it disgusting or what it does to her health. If a debate is started about the negative effects she will simply blow smoke in the persons face and wander of. She isn’t rude about it though as long as someone isn’t rude to her. A simple “could you please put that out while I’m around,” will usually result in a snuffed out butt on the bottom of her shoe. *Ballet – There isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t practice, she finds it invigorating and is known to just go straight to toe point if the mood strikes, even if she is just in line waiting to pay for a coffee at the local café. *Day Dreaming – If Tatiana gets bored, or distracted, or if the wind blows, she will just suddenly drift off in mid action and start day dreaming of any number of things. [/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Fears}[/b]|[/color] [indent][color=000000]☠[/color]Wolves* Being sent back to Russia * Being Forgotten[/indent][hr][hr][center][color=a187be][h1][u]D E L V I N G D E E P E R[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=a187be]|[b]{Personality}[/b]|[/color] [center][u]♦ Guarded ♦ Creative ♦ Moody ♦ Protective ♦[/u][/center] [indent]Tatiana can be a very quiet individual much of the time and can come off as shy to those that don’t know her but when push comes to shove she is usually the first to snap on someone and give a very boisterous opinion that can tend to create a scene. This side of her usually comes out when she sees someone she cares about being put down or judged. She is very guarded of her heart and her past, not wanting to open up about either of them unless she fully trusts someone, which is a rarity in and of itself. Much of the time she will feign not understanding the English language, even though she has mastered the language, just to avoid having to deal with people if she feels like it.[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Place Of Origin}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Kirov, Kirov Oblast, USSR (Russia)[/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{History}[/b]|[/color] [indent]Tatiana was born in Russian during the tail end of U.S.S.R. and was forced from Kirov to many other places in Eastern Europe throughout childhood as a refugee. During this time of hardship she began drawing as a piece of paper and left over burned wood was one of the few things she could carry around. This continued for years and put her through the hardest years of her life, ones she does not speak of but when mentioned one can clearly see there is pain behind her vibrant eyes. Once the fall of the Soviet Union settled down she was able to return with her family back to the city of her birth. There she stayed, living in peace, studying ballet and going to school until her sixteenth year. An American Ballet Company offered her a chance to move to the U.S.A. to study. She jumped at the chance and was eager to start a new life in a new world. She spent her junior and senior year of high school as an exchange student and everything was going wonderful until during a performance a wet spot on the stage caused her to fall and she ended up breaking a rib. The time it took for her to recover ended any chances of becoming a prima and she was nearly shipped back off to Russia. That was until one of the Ballet Sponsors, an Art professor in New York, saw her sketches and offered to help her continue her studies – this time as an artist instead of a dancer. Needing money to pay for the opportunity she took a job as a receptionist at a local tattoo parlor. She would spend her down time reading trashy romance novels and sketching. The owner noticed her talent and made her an apprentice in the shop. She picked up the trade quickly and dropped out of university, trading her student Visa for a work one. Since then she has developed her talent and toured the world at different conventions to show case her work. [/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Extra}[/b]|[/color] [indent]The only thing she enjoys about Christmas is meeting up each year with old friends. The season itself she hates and has been called the Grinch on numerous occasions; to which she will usually respond – “Hey, maybe my heart will grow three sizes today.” [/indent] [color=a187be]|[b]{Theme Song}[/b]|[/color] [indent][url=http://youtu.be/RdyExxpd3Pg]Drop Dead Cynical - Amaranthe[/url] [sub]”It's your illusions, fatal contradiction I need the action premonition I like to thrill you, I am what inspires Let you explode in a cosmic fire.”[/sub][/indent] [/hider]