[color=00aeef][h1]Notice for all:[/h1][/color] Please, when it comes to collabs in the prison or other places prone to interference from other characters, try to keep your collabs open. In the prison proper, it might be better if you make a series of relatively short posts over time to give others the opportunity to interfere. If a collab lasts more than say, 30 minutes in a public place, we request that you split it up a little, so others can barge in if they want to. If you can avoid collabs completely in the prison proper without making your interaction horribly dysfunctional, that'd be ideal. [@Heat][@Rtron][@Zoldyck][@Dblade26][@Sep][@Vesuvius00][@Tzarima][@Gowi][@EliteCommander][@Cqbexpt][@Bigscreech] [color=00aeef][h1]Upcoming IC event:[/h1][/color] In addition, as some of you know, a new plotline is being worked out by the available GMs. This plotline is initially designed to involve just a few characters, but it is open for... [i]meddling[/i]. We GMs will decide much of the final outcome, but of course not all. The event itself is to be a major escape attempt. The exact means will be unveiled soonish, but it'll involve attempts to get down to the surface of Tatooine. The reason for this is multi-folded. Firstly, we want to dispose the characters belonging to various players who have dropped out for various reasons. While we could just have them executed, that will devalue the effect of future executions. While some will most likely escape successfully, most will not. How much punishment ensues for those who fail, is yet to be determined. As is the reward for anyone who choose not to escape. We do not plan for anyone still active to be killed in this plot, but with [@Rtron]’s Sish in the picture, you never know. While everyone loves discussions and such meandering about, this plotline will push time a bit forwards. The chief purpose of such is simple - Syncing those timelines so that rescuers get something tangible to do, rather that being ahead temporally. Thus we’ll have to gloss over about 30 hours of events for the prisoners while the escape is planned. We do not aim to do this in a rushed fashion. In fact, we hope that you players can help work it out, steadily jumping characters forward. If those of you who play rescuers only want to join in, feel free to set up temporary NPCs that are ship crew or such. Feel free to ask us if you have a role you think is appropriate (or if you want us to assign you one). Many questions?