At first there was relief. Relief that the person she was shaking was in fact alive and breathing. Then there was surprise as more and more people shifted and awoke and none of them seemed to be Bulgarian. Then again, hadn’t she herself just spoken English? Why? Confused and dizzy, Raya stared at the boy in front of her, taking in his red hair, his accent and his flaming hair. He was asking questions she couldn’t answer. She hated not having answers so she really did struggle trying to get some, but none came. She couldn’t even remember how she got here, let alone where this “here” is. Then another woman interjected and said it’s ridiculous she didn’t have answers. Raya felt inclined to believe but the woman’s tone and her ridiculously polished appearance made her brow twitched. “Do [i]you[/i] know where we are?” Looking at her, Raya assumed if this is a kidnapping attempt this woman would have been the target to begin with. The pretty woman just humped at her and started browsing in her handbag. Raya got up and reached out for the Irish-looking boy in front of her to help him up. As people awoke they were asking questions or muttering to themselves, and all were different but all seeming equally confused. A black boy was the first to introduce himself and note that he didn’t recognise anyone but the pretty woman. Raya didn’t recognise her but as everyone started introducing themselves she realised she’d heard the name. The woman was famous for… whatever. And of course, she had an iPhone. And of course, that was out of coverage. “So… where are you all from?” Raya asked, trying to figure out the task at hand. The answers painted a very confusing picture. Two Americans, two people from the British Isles, one girl from France, one from Spain and herself. What the hell? And apparently they all seemed to last remember being in their home-towns, nowhere close to each other. Renata snapped her out of her thoughts with a loud announcement that this is all utterly crazy and that she’s “going”. She took off towards the woods with the other girl falling in toe silently. Raya threw them a worried glance, hoping they would be alright but was too shy to try and stop them. She looked over the rest of them, all guys. Her mouth felt dry. “Well… There’s probably no use sitting around….” [i]unless this is a mine-field[/i] she thought and shuddered. “…. So should we split up and explore the vicinity?” She suggested helplessly. There was no light-pollution around, no road, nothing. She spotted a tall tree a few hundred meters to the right and thought it might be a good idea to use it to get a better vantage point. “I’ll try to climb that and look around.” She suggested, throwing everyone a nervous glance. She wasn’t especially trusting so being stranded in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of strangers was more than unnerving but she was doing a good job at keeping the panic at bay so far. She just hoped it lasted.