Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself really quickly, I'm Kae, a 21 year old biomedical sciences major. I've been rping since I was about 10 on neopets (lol let's not talk about that too much, can you say shitty OCs?), and I'm predominately a fandom rper! I do like some originals, but I always fall in love with fandom worlds and it just makes me so happy to write in those universes. Funnily enough, I don't have a lot of experience on rp forums! I used to find my rps through mass emails, on neopets and the occasional tumblr. The one experience I had on a forum for rping... didn't go to well, let's put it that way. However, I'm always up for new things! I have a bunch of cravings, and not too much luck lately finding rps, so hopefully I can change my luck around on here (: Y'all seem really nice already, and I hope to get to know you guys!