I might actually have a laundry list. But I'll try to be concise. (However I'm a terrible mix of Afrikaans, German and Irish, so I may or may not get carried away. Hang on.) Idk if I should go chronologically or alphabetically. *please note that none of this has occurred on this site, this has all happened elsewhere. [list] [*]People not reading my information/interests/expectations. I get messages all the time from people who I know haven't read ANY of the information I have listed, ask for something I've said I don't want, and then continue to hassle me for an rp. If I say no, that means NO. [*]Rpers who cannot move a story along, and who do not contribute to the story. [*]People who vanish. Every single rp of mine is currently inactive for over two weeks because my partners are not communicating. I don't mind if they can't reply, but the fact that I've had almost a dozen people just fall off the face of the earth without a word is beyond rude, in my opinion. I don't need or expect a novel explaining the situation, but a quick message of "I have to go on hiatus" would be FINE. [*]On that note, when I'm asked to start, work my ass off on an intro, and they disappear. Also, when the person has contacted me for the rp, and they disappear. [*]I had contacted someone for an rp once, and she apparently had a bunch of rules BEYOND the ones she had listed. So when I asked her if she would like to start or if she would like me to do so. Please note, she didn't ask me to start in her response, her answer was, "Well I have a rule that if you contact me, you have to start." Fine, whatever, I was desperate for rps. We were doubling, and of course, I put equal effort in for both my characters, mine and hers. BUT that wasn't good enough, apparently, and she messages me with, "Hey um I kinda have this rule/pet peeve that you should write more for the character that isn't yours." I was so done. So done. It's not the fact (well not just the fact) that she had these slightly odd rules, imo, but more that she didn't tell me after I had essentially broken them. [*]I had someone become frosty and frankly bitchy the minute I voiced an idea they didn't like. It doesn't bother me they hated my idea, but the fact that they turned into an asshole because of that one thing, and didn't have the decency to even be polite about it, set me over the edge. [*]This is more just something that's bugging me, but not getting any bites on any of the ads I have listed. I have ads on about a half dozen sites, and I've literally gotten three responses. I know there are people that are interested in what I am, but for whatever reason I am having horrible luck. It's a bit discouraging, honestly :/ [*]On reddit, I had people almost downvote my post to oblivion because I wanted OCxCanon pairings. I get that not everyone likes those, but that's not a reason to push my thread to the goddamn underworld. [*]Being accused of mary sue-ism and self-instertion just because I use OCs. I can see why people would have that concern, but these people hadn't even asked to see information on my OCs, they were just throwing around accusations. I see people always asking for purely romance pairings and similar topics that are much more prone to both tendencies. An OC in a fandom universe is not that bad compared to some of the odd pairing requests I've seen. (This was also on reddit, and I stg the number of rps that people were living through vicariously was insane, so to have someone accuse me of that without any other knowledge and given the existence of these other threads just drove me up the wall). [/list] Oh my god I feel so much better.