I have more! *please note that none of this has occurred on this site. this has all happened elsewhere. [list] [*]RPers who don't communicate effectively. Meaning the people who don't express expectations, where they want the rp to go, etc. [*]People who just want a smut rp, but don't let you know. Seriously, making Howls Moving Castle mad awk with trying to incorporate random sex scenes, dude. [*]RPers who say "I'm up for anything!" You are not up for anything, don't lie to me (I mean this playfully). Seriously, everyone has a list of what they want or do not want. It doesn't have to be long, but EVERYONE has a list. [*]Having to try and figure out how to tell someone an rp isn't working out, particularly if it's because they're not a good writer (and I don't expect people to be Hemingway, but you all know what I mean- one liners, poor grammar, VERY short sentences if it gets that far). Mostly, because they give you nothing to reply to. [*]Those partners that haven't worked out in the past but they continue to contact you to try and rp by making multiple accounts on things. [*]People who ACTIVELY ignore you. On another forum I have been waiting for someone to message back, and they have logged in RECENTLY, but they are not answering my messages. Rude. As. Hell. [*]Just happened: had someone accuse me of having "fangirl fantasies" because I really wanted to pair my OC against Brynjolf in a Skyrim rp. She knew nothing about my OC, nothing about what I wanted. Then she proceeded to accuse me of immaturity and of not being logical because I was taken aback by the fact that she analyzed my plot suggestion in depth in terms of Skyrim politics, and the fact that I was pretty staunch about wanting my pairing (for reasons she didn't bother to ask about). She then went on to tell me this was her "nice" way of saying she wasn't interested. She also accused my plot and pairing of being cliche, but didn't explain why she felt that way. TLDR; a girl didn't upfront tell me she wasn't interested, got upset with me when I wouldn't bend to her interests that she did not clearly convey, insulted me, and then blocked me. [*]Going off that, people who nitpick instead of saying, "I'm not interested." That's not helpful, and comes off as bitchy, imo. I'm all for constructive criticism, but there's nothing constructive about just telling me what's wrong and then insulting me. [*]People who personally attack you because you say something they don't like. Seriously, there's no reason to go after someone personally over something they said on an rp forum. [*]On a different site: When you tell the mods you've been having issues with members and all they say is "Sorry to hear that!" Like, dude, you have members personally insulting others and you're just going to say, "sorry lol"? Alright. Bye. [/list] There's honestly a part of me that kind of wants to quit rping. People are insanely rude now, and I'm just not having any luck getting my cravings filled. It's so discouraging and this isn't what I had hoped for in trying to come back :/