[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/6ca7dab7d4816dcfc7c9ed4242646211/tumblr_mozudnvEnF1qhodd8o1_500.jpg[/img] [h2][color=gold]Orion Forrester[/color] | [color=gold]Age 23[/color] | [color=gold]Human[/color][/h2] [color=gold][i]”I’m nobody’s [color=white]hero[/color].”[/i][/color] [hider=Appearance]At 5'8, Orion has a slender frame though he has lean muscles from his training. He tends to surprise people with how quick he is and how light on his feet he is. He has a mop of dark brown hair that tends to do what it wants and bright blue eyes. He has a few scars on his back from life on the road as well as a small scar above his eyebrow from where he had gotten into a fight once as a child.[/hider] [hider=Clothing][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rangersapprentice/images/8/81/Battleforskandia.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120625121753[/img][/hider] [hider=Weapons/Equipment] [color=gold][b][u]Ranger's Cloak[/u][/b]=[/color] The cloak that Orion uses is very distinctive and falls all the way to his ankles and is fastened at his neck and can cover his entire body. It has a hood. Colored in mottled green, brown, and grey cloak, the cloak can make him almost invisible in the dense forests of Fallion. He also has a black and white variant so he can blend in with the winter landscape, and there is a summer desert issue, made of varying shades of light brown, for desert places. ~ [color=gold][b][u]Saxe Knife[/u][/b]=[/color] One of the two knives used by a Ranger, the saxe knife is a specially made close combat knife that is extremely hard. The Ranger's saxe knife is the lower knife in the special ranger double scabbard. It is longer than the throwing knife, with a grip made of a series of leather discs set one above the other and a short brass crosspiece. The blade is long and straight, nearly the size of a short sword. It is kept razor sharp on one side while the other end is thick and heavy. The knife is strong enough to block a sword stroke without being damaged. the knife is strong enough to block a sword stroke without being damaged. Although it is mainly used as a close combat weapon, it is balanced for throwing and can be used in unison with the throwing knife in the double knife defense. It can also be thrown hilt first to stun an enemy. ~ [color=gold][b][u]Long Bow[/u][/b]=[/color] Longbows are simple, typically wooden bows that are often sixty to a hundred inches tall, (about 1.5 to 2.5 meters or 5 to 8.3 feet) and consist of a simple shaft of wood with the ends tied with a thin, strong piece of linen or other type of string. The longbow is a weapon made mainly for long distance fighting. Rangers are trained to shoot very accurately and can hit their targets from almost any distance and elevation by the time they end their training. Longbow arrows are much bigger than recurve arrows. Rangers carry two dozen arrows in their quiver, as well as extras in their pack. ~ [color=gold][b][u]Throwing Knives[/u][/b]=[/color] Throwing knives are short, with a "thick, heavy grip made of a series of leather discs set one above the other", and a brass crosspiece between the hilt and the blade. Throwing knives, as the name implies, are meant and balanced for throwing. It is thin at the hilt, widens considerably down its length, then narrows quickly to a sharp point. A throwing knife is carried by Rangers in a double scabbard along with the Ranger Saxe Knife as it is part of the compulsory Ranger Gear. These balanced knives have brass pommels and a expanding, then tapering blade. [/hider] [hider=Skills][list][*]Because of his training, he hardly ever misses his target however varying factors like weather, injuries, and broken concentration may effect his shooting. [*]He is good at tracking and setting traps. [*]Able to blend in with the landscape due to the use of his cloak.[/list][/hider] [hider=Strengths][list][*]His wariness of strangers. [*]His fast reflexes. [*]His quick thinking is dire situations.[/list][/hider] [hider=Weaknesses][list][*]He is so protective of the people he cares about that he tends to throw himself headlong into danger. [*]His temper. When mad, he tends not to think before he acts. [*]He is not one to ask for help.[/list][/hider] [hider=Personality]Before the fell into ruin, Orion was rather out-going and cheerful most of the time. He can be very protective over his sister and those he cares about and will go to many lengths to keep them safe. Orion could always been seen wearing a smile, even if he is anything but happy. Orion can also be very stubborn, especially once he sets his mind to do something. He is also very self-less, not even thinking if someone is in danger, recklessly throwing himself in harms way to protect them. Despite his cheerful nature, once Orion is angered better run because it is a force to reckon with. The quieter and calmer Orion becomes the angrier he is. He also has a soft-spot for cute things and animals, though he will never admit it. Orion can be quiet oblivious about things, it can just go over his head sometimes. After the fall, Orion lost his cheerful demeanor, at least around anybody that is not his sister. He is still very protective over people he cares about, even more so now. Also still very stubborn. He gets angered more easily now and is not as oblivious as he once was. He also has a very, very hard time trusting strangers. As well, something broke him in him the day his world crumbled around him and when stress or anger is introduced, he seems to withdraw in on himself, becoming apathetic to those around him except his sister and other children. If you are in trouble and you have made him angry, he'll simple turn and leave you to your fate and will not feel one ounce of remorse afterwards.[/hider] [hider=Background]Orion and Primrose were born to Luna and William Forrester. Their father worked a Ranger for Duke Cinder, keeping the peace, going on missions for the Duke, etc. When Orion grew old enough his father began to train him in the Ranger ways and a few years later, Orion received his Long Bow and went on a few missions with his father. When the kingdom fell their parents grabbed the children and ran. They didn't stay in one place for too long however evil soon caught up with them. Their parents were slaughtered by bandits. Enraged, Orion killed the two men and grabbed Primrose and ran. Now the siblings travel all over Fallion, generally just trying to survive the darkness that has fallen over their world. Orion also began training Primrose as a Ranger.[/hider] [hider=Other]He is oddly afraid of spiders. Orcs, Goblins, Undead? Sure, bring it on. A garden spider? Nope, nope, nope. Not happening. He is also training his little sister in the Ranger ways, giving her his recurve bow he used while training as well as a cloak.[/hider][/center] [center][img]http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h225/Selkek/MLP-LineBreak-C.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kWkzgQM.jpg[/img] [h2][color=cyan]Primrose Forrester[/color] | [color=cyan]Age 10[/color] | [color=cyan]Human[/color][/h2] [color=cyan][i]”Monsters that live inside my [color=white]head[/color] at night are all right cause they can never compare to the ones that live [color=white]outside[/color].”[/i][/color] [hider=Appearance]At 3’0, Primrose could be described as petite and slender. Her skin is blemish free aside from a few scars on her hands and knees from falling. Her long dark curls hang to her waist and she has bright blue eyes like her brother. She is not very strong though she has quite a kick and surprisingly agile and quick on her feet.[/hider] [hider=Clothing][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/vfbgb8.png[/img] [img]http://kylesrandom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/IMG_2769-600x450.jpg[/img] [img]http://kylesrandom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/IMG_2749-600x800.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Weapons/Equipment] [color=cyan][b][u]Ranger's Cloak[/u][/b]=[/color] The cloak that Primrose uses is very distinctive and falls all the way to her ankles and is fastened at her neck and can cover her entire body exactly like her brothers cloak however. Colored in mottled green, brown, and grey cloak, the cloak can make her almost invisible in the dense forests of Fallion. She also has a black and white variant so she can blend in with the winter landscape, and there is a summer desert issue, made of varying shades of light brown, for desert places. ~ [color=cyan][b][u]Recurve Bow[/u][/b]=[/color] A Recurve Bow is a short bow with the traditional curve down the middle, and the tips bending over in opposite directions. The extra curves gives the user extra speed and power at lower draw weights. Her brother used this type of bow when he was first learning to shoot a bow and passed it onto her. They are made by gluing together several pieces of wood. These, in addition, are of varying widths and follow a different grain.This causes the bow to curve into the desired fashion (an S shape). A recurve bow has several distinct advantages over a traditional shortbow or longbow. As mentioned above, it has higher power for at lower draw weights. It also is far more compact than the traditional bow, enabling it to be used on horseback. A recurve must not get wet, as it weakens the glue between the horn and sinew. ~ [color=cyan][b][u]Twin Dirks[/u][/b]=[/color] Primrose sports dual Dirks on her belt. The dirk is the primary close-combat fighting weapon. The dirk is a fighting knife, with a blade about an inch and a half wide, and very long, about 12 or 13 inches.[/hider] [hider=Skills][list][*]She is very good at climbing trees. Her brother teases her about being half-squirrel because of how easy she can make it look. [*]Like her brother, she is able to blend in very well with the landscape. [*]She has very keen hearing.[/list][/hider] [hider=Strengths][list][*]She is very good at being quiet and sneaking around. [*]Light on her feet. [*]Quick reflexes and nimble fingers.[/list][/hider] [hider=Weaknesses][list][*]She tries to see the good in everybody and this at times will keep her from seeing the evil there as well. [*]She doesn’t think if someone is in trouble, she tends to just rush to help without thinking of the consequences. [*]Bottling up her problems and pain. No one can help if they don’t know what’s wrong with her.[/list][/hider] [hider=Personality]Primrose is normally described as a kind and caring individual. She tends to put others needs before her own and won't hesitate to help someone if she feels they are in need of assistance. She also has her shy moments where she tends to look at the ground and not really talk to anyone. She gets nervous when meeting new people and doesn't speak much until she gets to know them better. Like with all children, Primrose has a stubborn streak and will not budge if she sets her mind to something. She's not one to anger easily but once she is watch out because she can have quite the temper and is not afraid to give you a piece of her mind. Of course, afterwards she will be completely mortified by what she said and will apologize profusely to the person she grew angered at. If she thinks they deserve it that is. If she feels you completely had what was coming to you, not one word of apology will leave her lips though secretly she will still feel rather bad about it. Another trait of Primrose's is that she has a bad habit of bottling up her problems so the people around her will not worry. Even if she is having the worst day imaginable she will still put on a smile and say everything is fine.[/hider] [hider=Background]*Read Orion's*[/hider] [hider=Other]She is mute and has to communicate through a series of gestures to get her point across. If provided, she also knows how to write out her answers on parchment.[/hider][/center]