I am the creator of the setting, so I can provide all of the details about it that you will need. As for the CS, you are free to use almost any format, as long as it contains the character's name, height, gender, and a bit about their personality. If you want me to draw you a character, I can do that too. If you want to know more about what to expect, you can also look here, my DA page: [url]http://aristodes.deviantart.com/?rnrd=131465[/url] If you want a few details now, here they are: - Set in a magical world called "Other Earth" (the people there just call it "Earth"). - On this Earth, there is a desert continent filled with dragon-people called dracons (like in my avatar) - Dracons are bipedal draconic humanoids. They have two horns, no wings, a snout, a tail, clawed limbs, and fangs. - You don't have to play as a dracon, but they are the vast majority of people who live in their continent, where the game takes place. - Scrolling up, you will find more details (you probably looked already), as others have asked me questions about this before. Other than that, I can answer any questions you might have about the setting.